While getting poked and prodded might not seem like the most appealing way to boost your fertility, some research has shown that acupuncture may help women conceive. It may also relieve stress and help you relax, potentially increasing your chances of getting pregnant. 

Acupuncture works by stimulating nerve endings deep below the surface of the skin. By manipulating the needles in conjunction with gentle electrical stimulation (a practice known as electropuncture), your nerves are activated, helping your body release substances called endorphins. This can have positive effects on fertility, including relieving stress that may be weighing you down.

Can acupuncture boost your fertility and help you get pregnant?

The verdict is still out on whether acupuncture does increase fertility, but some research is promising.

A small study found that acupuncture performed before and after an in vitro fertilization (IVF) embryo transfer were more likely than women who just made lifestyle changes to get pregnant. A review of 23 studies showed that acupuncture improved the chances of conceiving in women undergoing IVF, although this finding remains controversial.

There is little conclusive information to suggest that acupuncture will improve natural pregnancy rates, but there is also nothing to show that it does harm.

What are the benefits of trying acupuncture for fertility?

Acupuncture has been shown to help reduce depression, which can be a problem for women struggling with infertility. It can also decrease stress and anxiety that can contribute to fertility problems. What's more, high levels of cortisol (the stress hormone) have been shown to increase the risk of miscarriage in women once they become pregnant.

Are there any risks of doing acupuncture when you’re trying to conceive?

The practice is usually safe, but it's important to seek out a certified and licensed professional who's familiar with infertility care. Ask your reproductive endocrinologist if he or she can refer you to anyone.

As an extra precaution, ask to look at the needles that will be used in your treatment to make sure they’re individually packaged, single-use needles. Your practitioner should also use an alcohol swab on the skin each time before inserting a needle.

Many acupuncturists also recommend herbal therapies. It's very important to discuss these therapies with your reproductive endocrinologist to make sure that they're safe to take with any fertility treatments you've been prescribed.

Acupuncture pressure points for fertility

According to acupuncturists, pressure points on the head promote relaxation, while points around the stomach help open up the supply of fresh blood to the ovaries. Other points around the lower legs are used to promote blood flow to the reproductive organs, which starts at the feet.

What to expect at an acupuncture appointment

Your initial visit should include an in-depth consultation. Questions may not immediately seem to be related to infertility but are important for the practitioner to determine the ideal therapy for you.

After the consultation, the acupuncturist will use a variety of points in an effort to enhance fertility or blood flow to certain organs.

Needles are left in for around 20 to 25 minutes while you relax in a room. Follow-up visits are shorter and usually don’t include a consultation.

How much does acupuncture cost? Does insurance cover it?

The initial visit can range in price depending on where you live. But expect to pay between $125 and $300. Follow-up visits can cost between $75 and $150. Insurance often does not cover acupuncture, though check with your provider. If you buy a package of treatments, you can sometimes save money.

Success rates of doing acupuncture when TTC

Success rates are unclear because some studies have shown that acupuncture helps increase fertility, especially in women who are having trouble conceiving, while other studies haven't shown any increase. A recent study in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) found that acupuncture only caused a negligible (around 1 percent) increase in pregnancy outcomes, but other research has shown that acupuncture in conjunction with other fertility treatments increases success rates by 50 percent.

Again, many of these are small pilot studies; larger, controlled studies still need to be done. However, there are few if any studies showing that acupuncture has a negative impact on fertility or treatment outcomes.

Should you try acupuncture during pregnancy too? 

Yes, acupuncture, like massage, can be helpful when you’re pregnant. Acupuncture may alleviate some of the undesirable symptoms of pregnancy like morning sickness, fatigue and depression. Some research has shown that in pregnant women who did depression-focused acupuncture, the treatment reduced symptoms by 63 percent. However, the absolute safety of this therapy during pregnancy has not been proven, and you should consult with your OB/GYN before trying it.

It’s not completely clear whether acupuncture is effective at increasing fertility, but it has been shown to help with the depression and anxiety that can make trying to get pregnant more difficult. It’s also been shown to help women who are already undergoing IVF have better outcomes.

And while it’s often not covered by insurance, the cost of acupuncture compared to fertility treatments like IVF is minor. If there’s a possibility that acupuncture will boost your chances of getting pregnant or at least lift some of the stress you're dealing with, it may be worth a try if you can afford it.