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Blue Cross Blue Shield Association

5 Depression myths that are harmful for America’s health

Data shows that who gets depression is changing, challenging ongoing myths about the illness.

By Kate Morgan
for Blue Cross Blue Shield Association
Despite its prevalence, depression is still widely misunderstood.

Major depression is a complex illness that affects millions of Americans. In fact, according to data from the Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) Health IndexSM, the condition is the second most impactful on our nation’s health, affecting more than 9 million commercially insured Americans. But despite its prevalence, myths and misconceptions about major depression abound. Because knowledge is power, experts want to debunk those myths, and help everyone better understand the dangerous disease affecting millions of Americans.

Myth #1: “Everyone gets depressed sometimes; you’ll get over it.”

Everyone feels sad or down sometimes, but major depression is different. It’s characterized by an unrelenting sense of hopelessness or despair – a low that never goes away. “It’s not always a person who can’t get out of bed,” says Terre. A Constantine, Ph.D., executive director and CEO of the Brain Research Foundation. “There are many people who are functioning but not enjoying life. They put on a brave face.”

Another serious misconception is that depression can be willed away, or that a sufferer can just “shake it off.” What’s really required, Constantine says, is a well calibrated, individualized course of treatment. “There’s no cure, but there is definitely treatment. That can mean pharmaceutical drugs or talk therapy, or, usually, a combination of both.”

Myth #2: “Men don’t get depressed.”

It’s true that women are diagnosed with depression more than men, but that doesn’t mean the disease only affects women. In fact, data from the BCBS Health Index shows that while men are diagnosed at half the rate as women, both groups are saw a 33% increase in diagnosis rates from 2013 to 2016.

Constantine thinks men continue to be under-diagnosed because of the lasting stigma surrounding major depression.

“I think many people still think depression is a sign of weakness,” she says. “I think men, more than women, worry about appearing weak to the people around them. That makes them less likely to talk about the things that they’re feeling, and less likely to seek help.”

It’s also possible that men are getting less facetime with their doctors in general. And it’s often during a routine check-up that people first consult a healthcare provider about symptoms of depression.

Despite being a common illness, myths abound about depression

Myth #3: “Depression isn’t a disease”

Because major depression doesn’t always have physical symptoms – and it’s not always as outwardly obvious as other mental illnesses – there’s an enduring misconception that depression isn’t a disease. That’s incorrect; it’s an illness caused by an imbalance of chemicals and hormones in the brain, and while a number of things can spark its onset, it often has a genetic component, too.

Myth #4: “You’re young – you have no reason to be depressed.”

A lot of adolescents and teenagers experience bouts of depression, and it’s often chalked up to “teen angst,” or kids being dramatic. Data from The BCBS Health Index  points to a different reality. While the rate of diagnosis grew 33% across the board between 2013 and 2016, the populations most affected were millennials, whose rate of depression rose 47%, and adolescents, whose rate grew 63%.

Karyn Horowitz, M.D., a director of outpatient child psychiatry and behavioral health services at Lifespan, says she’s often asked what kids have to be sad about.

“Sometimes it’s because something happened, sometimes there’s nothing you can point to as the trigger,” Horowitz says. “It’s just your genetics: you were going to get depression at this point in your life no matter what did or didn’t happen. Sometimes, trying to figure out the reason actually feels invalidating to kids who are dealing with depression. It can make them think, ‘Some people have had it worse, what do I have to be depressed about?’”

Horowitz says that depression doesn’t always look the same in children as it does in adults. A teen with depression might continue to socialize and go out with friends, but that doesn’t mean everything is OK.

“Sometimes for a kid, irritability is their main mood,” Horowitz explains. “Parents may think, ‘Oh, this is just what teenagers do.’ They’re going to go up to their room and listen to their music. What they may miss is when it’s not just ‘teenage behavior.’”

Though there are warning signs that can help adults differentiate between normal teenage melancholy and depression – like abrupt changes in behavior, sudden disinterest in once cherished activities or sustained emotional disruptions – the best way to gauge your child’s health is by talking with them. Consistent, open conversations help establish trust and serve as touchpoints to monitor his or her mental state.

Myth #5: “At least it’s not a terminal illness.”

Left untreated, depression can be extremely dangerous. Severe depression can result in thoughts – or even attempts – of suicide. “It’s the second most common cause of death in people ages 15 to 19,” says Horowitz. “And overall, 10% of people with severe mental illness die by suicide. It’s incredibly serious, and it should be treated like a life-threatening illness, because it is one.”

People with major depression also have a significantly higher risk of developing other, potentially life-threatening conditions. On average, those who’ve been diagnosed with the disease are nearly 30% less healthy, and 85% of people with depression also have one or more serious chronic conditions, according to the BCBS Health Index. The impact to longevity is clear: the impact on American men and women is a loss of 9.5 and 9.7 healthy years, respectively.

“Major depression is very serious; you need to get help,” says Constantine. “Help yourself, help your loved ones, talk to your doctor and start getting treated right away.”

Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association is an association of independent Blue Cross and Blue Shield Plans.