Intravenous Vitamin Therapy

What Does Intravenous Therapy Treat?



iv therapy with healing health services


High dose vitamin C is especially useful any time you are under greater than usual amounts of stress, feeling excessive fatigue, or when your immune system needs bolstering to fight acute or chronic viral and bacterial infections.   Intravenous therapies in general may come into play when the digestion is compromised and a person needs to be at their best.  Also seeing the degree to which someone responds to intravenous vitamin therapy helps in the determination of the level of compromise in the diet, digestion and nutrient utilization.  If you are seriously ill, with a complex condition and cannot eat, or ingest and keep food or medication down, this treatment can provide much-needed energy, nutrients, and relief. 


Vitamin C IV therapy is one of the most frequently used intravenous infusions. Vitamin C, an essential nutrient that strengthens our immune system, is challenging for our bodies to absorb. In fact, only 18% of the C we consume is usable. However, administered by IV, vitamin C is 100% bioavailable. This IV therapy supports the function of adrenal glands, raises energy levels, improves and protects skin, strengthens tendons and bones, and can help fight the side effects of chemotherapy or radiation.  High dose intravenous vitamin C therapy to support the body in the treatment of viral problems has been used since Dr Klenner’s work in the 1950’s.