Ask most people about the regular tests they have, and teeth and eye tests usually come up frequently. Hearing tests, however, are an area where far too many of us fail to get the necessary screening.

It’s bizarre when you consider it properly. Losing your sight might be more noticeable, but make no mistake about it, if you lose your hearing or start having serious problems, it is life-changing.

The simple fact: it’s just as important to see your hearing care provider for a hearing test as it is to see your doctor, dentist and optician. Here are a few of the reasons why you should always have regular hearing tests as part of a healthy lifestyle.

Hearing tests for young children and babies

Young children will struggle to learn the language and how to talk if they have hearing impairments. As such, if this is not remedied or treated, the result can be a permanent deficit in learning. If you notice your toddler struggling to hear properly, it’s highly advisable to get in touch with a hearing specialist and arrange a checkup.

For kids at school

If your child starts struggling with hearing at school, they can often struggle to learn or  follow directions and may fall behind. Worse still, their learning problems may be blamed on other things, such as behavioural issues and disabilities. If your child does not receive hearing tests at school, arrange one as soon as possible.

For relationships

As you get older in life, relationships become critical to your development. However, when you have hearing trouble, it can cause a number of strains in all kinds of relationships, from peer groups to partners. This is especially critical in the teenage years, so it is worth starting a biannual check at this point to ensure your hearing health professional can deal with the problem if necessary.

For work

People that struggle with hearing can often struggle to get the same opportunities as others. You might miss out on promotion opportunities, or fail to understand what is going on in a large meeting environment. It can be incredibly frustrating – especially if you don't fully understand why it is happening. Regular hearing tests will ensure you get the treatment you need to lead a more comfortable and opportunistic life.

For social health

Hearing problems are a common cause of isolation. This can lead to depression, anxiety, stress and other mental health issues. As you get older, it is essential to keep in touch with your social circle. By testing your hearing regularly, you will ensure that hearing loss is not responsible for your isolation.


Many areas of a normal life can be affected by hearing trouble. It is essential that you establish a good relationship with your hearing health provider if you want to remain unaffected by these problems. You already do it with your doctor, dentist and optician, so why risk losing or damaging one of life’s essential senses that we all need to ensure we get the most out of life.