Eco-friendly Office Tips

Waste less at work with these smart ideas

Be sustainable at the office, too. Whether you’re a super-greenie trying to influence your coworkers or a corporate leader looking for ways to reduce costs and motivate your employees, these tips can help.

Choose clean, renewable energy
to green up your workspace.

Fun Facts

Choose reusable supplies

Reusable products help cut costs and reduce waste. For example, choose reusable ink cartridges through a cartridge refilling program. Many companies offer discounts on future ink cartridge purchases, so you’ll be saving money in more ways than one.

Pack a greener lunch

Instead of single-use paper and plastic baggies, invest in a sturdy set of food containers you can pack your lunch in for years to come.


If your workplace allows it and you can perform your regular job function from afar, work from home on occasion to avoid a commute that uses gas.


Look for office equipment that has earned the government’s ENERGY STAR rating. These computers, copiers, fax machines and printers save energy through efficient design and power management options.

Save paper

Challenge yourself and your coworkers to find ways to cut down on paper usage, like not printing emails and having paperless meetings. And when you must have a hard copy, change your printer default to print double-sided.

Add plants to your workspace

What better way to green up your office than by adding some greenery? Bring a little bit of the outdoors inside to brighten up your workspace and help clean the air. Choose plants that do well in shade or indirect light, like peace lilies, cast iron plants, bamboo palms and English ivy.

Buy supplies in bulk

Reduce packaging and shipping waste by purchasing office supplies in bulk. You could also save money and time along the way.

Conserve electricity

At the end of the day, turn off any machines that don’t need to stay on overnight for instant energy savings.

Create an office recycling center

Set up blue bins in the break room and by employees’ desks for recyclable materials such as glass, plastic, aluminum and mixed paper. If you don’t have a pick-up service, ask employees to take turns bringing the materials to a local recycling center each week.

Choose clean, renewable energy
to green up your workspace.