This article is more than 4 years old.

The definition for ‘’mentor’ is constantly being reinvented. For some, a mentor is someone who is a few steps ahead of them and on their same career path. For others, peer mentorship has proven the most valuable as they navigate waters that are uncharted. 

A study conducted by Cigna found that 70 percent of women credit a mentor with having helped made their career success possible.

The range of advice listed below proves that oftentimes being able to watch someone and learn from their example can carry just as much weight as explicit advice. 

For instance, for Molly Beck, the founder and CEO of, it was a sign off in her mentor’s email signature that has stuck with her throughout the span of her career. 

While for Holy Matcha’s Geraldine Ridaura Schumacher, her most memorable piece of advice were words that her own mother shared with her. 

Here are the pieces of advice that these entrepreneurs, business owners, and creatives are the most thankful for. 

Molly Beck, Founder and CEO of

“My best piece of advice from a mentor came in the form on an email signature. My mentor Christina Vuleta routinely finishes her powerpoint presentations and emails with "Onward!" as her sign off. It's always served as a great reminder to me of two things: one, the life cycle of most projects is long...but two, every email, slide deck, and communication should be working to move us further along on the journey. Onward!”

Janel Martinez, Writer and Founder of 

“I have a traditional mentor, someone who has more experience than I and who I can tap for insight. However, I've learned so much from my peer mentors, those grinding alongside me within my industry. 

It's okay to receive help. It's a gem I'm still working on. I grapple with the superwoman complex and feel like I can do everything on my own. (Ego and pride also plays a factor.) However, I've learned on more that one occasion how unsustainable that is both personally and professionally. I'm better at asking when I need support and also open to support when it's offered.”

Jessica Lomasson, Senior Copywriter and Founder of Make Ads With Me

“I had a boss tell me once when I was nervous presenting to remember that no one watching wants you to fail — if anything it’s a room of cheerleaders. This instantly made public speaking less intimidating for me. We often assume everyone is judging, or looking for things we do wrong, but it’s really just not the case.”

Grace Gavilanes, Writer-Editor at Vital Proteins

“Take on any and every project that comes your way. It’s important to learn as much as you can, wherever you are. It’ll help you figure out your beat/what you’re passionate about and what you should be focusing on.”

Julissa Prado, Founder and CEO of Rizos Curls

“[One of my mentors, Lance Rios, shared that,] along my journey one of the greatest things will be to learn when to say ‘no’ [and] know your non-negotiables. As a new entrepreneur you will want to say yes to every opportunity & sometimes the hardest part will be turning something down. But knowing when to say no will allow you to stay true to the course of your mission and not wear yourself out.”

Geraldine Ridaura Schumacher, Founder of Holy Matcha

“I don’t have a ‘mentor’ but my mother has been a huge asset and helped push me through. In this life, nothing is given, you work and you work hard for it. She also always tells me to stay true to myself no matter what the situation may be.” 

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