Where to find the most fantastic street food in India

Goa to the peaks of the Himalayas, for the best street food on the subcontinent
Indian street food | Where to find the best street food in India
Oliver Pilcher
Oliver Pilcher

Afterwards we head to Lucknow with its Raj-era splendours and awesome culinary reputation. Family connections have landed us an invitation to a smart mansion full of stuffed tigers where we are compelled to down a glass of what turns out to be bhang lassi before being led into the old town's warren of alleyways to a hole-in-the-wall where we eat gold-standard shami kebabs. Originally created for a toothless nabob who couldn't chew, they are made by massaging goat meat, then grinding it down until it is almost a paste. After a few days of gluttony, we go west by train. The food onboard is a simple, welcome tonic: dal, rice, chapati and pickles served in airline-style trays, but made with a pride that would put many restaurants to shame.

In Calcutta the highlights are the kathi rolls - chicken and egg wrapped in buttery paratha - and doi, a sumptuous pudding of yogurt baked with cardamom, rose and pistachio. Finally, I return to Mumbai, where an old colleague, Nishant Mitra, takes me to the food carts of Bandra. A few stalls down the road, I find what I've been looking for. It is intensely marinated, bright red from the masala. It's been charred but is still fatty with a surprising depth of flavour, the distillate of India's glorious street-snack culture. "What's this?" I ask. "Goat's nipple," he tells me.

For more on Will Bowlby's restaurant, Kricket Soho, visit kricket.co.uk

This feature was first published in Condé Nast Traveller June 2017

Heavenly Hampi: India's lost temple city
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