How a Healthy Body Can Get You a Healthier (and Smarter) Brain Too

How a Healthy Body Can Get You a Healthier (and Smarter) Brain Too

The beginning of the school year may still be quite a few weeks away. Nevertheless we have already started seeing the “back to school” commercials on TV, and sales in the stores. And with the dreaded “summer slide,” there’s definitely an ongoing concern from parents and teachers about maintaining that knowledge kids work so hard for each year—and getting ready for the next grade level in school too. Well, beyond summer school, summer reading lists, and worksheets; according to the following infographics, exercise may help too!



So make sure your kids (and you) are active this summer and throughout the school year! Everyone will benefit!

Try enrolling your children in tennis lessons, or swim lessons. (Our Summer Camp program includes both, plus martial arts!)