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This children’s hospital was running low on handmade finger puppets. Now, it’s inundated with creations from all over the world

Employees at the IWK Health Centre were blown away by the worldwide response to a request for donations two years ago. Now they have enough little comfort toys to last several years.

3 min read

The IWK Health Centre in Halifax gives finger puppets to patients and visitors to occupy and comfort them. After an influx of donations, the hospital’s storage rooms (and fingers) are full.

HALIFAX—When little Hailey Powell asked if she could take not one, but two handmade finger puppets from a basket at the IWK Health Centre’s welcome desk, a hospital employee enthused, “Yes, please!”

There are plenty more where those came from. The women and children’s hospital in the south end of Halifax has been accepting knitted, crocheted, and sewn finger puppets for at least 20 years, said Kylene Mellor, the IWK’s manager of volunteer resources. A couple of years ago, the hospital was running low and asked for more — and now it has so many, Mellor said, that it’s running out of places to store them.


Kylene Mellor, manager of volunteer resources at the IWK Health Centre, said the hospital has as many finger puppets and other handmade comfort items as it can store. It has 75,000 finger puppets on hand, and gives out about 1,000 per month to patients coming in for visits, stays, tests and procedures.


Hailey Powell took two felt finger puppets home with her on after a visit to the IWK Health Centre.


Patients can choose whichever finger puppets they like best at the IWK Health Centre, offering them a bit of choice in a setting where they might otherwise feel powerless.

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