ICAO Council adopts CORSIA emissions units


Montréal, 13 March 2020 – The ICAO Council approved the eligible emissions units for the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA) today, reaching another important milestone toward CORSIA global implementation supporting worldwide efforts against climate change. 


The Council’s decision follows on recommendations it received from the Technical Advisory Body (TAB) it established for this purpose, and establishes a set of eligible emissions units complying with offsetting requirements in the 2021-2023 pilot phase of CORSIA from the following six programmes: 


American Carbon Registry 

China GHG Voluntary Emission Reduction Program 

Clean Development Mechanism 

Climate Action Reserve 

The Gold Standard 

Verified Carbon Standard 


The emissions units are issued to activities which commenced as of 1 January 2016, and in respect of emissions reductions occurring through 31 December 2020, subject to each programme’s respective scope of eligibility. The list of eligible emissions units will eventually be publicly available on the ICAO CORSIA website. 


“Today’s decision is the result of a robust assessment of emissions units programmes against a set of criteria agreed by ICAO Member States,” noted ICAO Council President Salvatore Sciacchitano. “It will ensure that CORSIA is both practical and robust, and represents an important environmental milestone.” 


“CORSIA remains on track and we’re encouraged that this latest Council progress will bring clarity to the requirements to be placed on airlines,” stressed ICAO Secretary General Fang Liu. “ICAO will continue its efforts to drive further CORSIA progress and prepare our member States for its pilot phase through the assistance, capacity-building, and training for CORSIA currently being conducted through our ACT-CORSIA programme.” 


“With the Council’s approval of eligible emissions units, ICAO now has all of the pieces in place to implement CORSIA,” said ICAO Deputy Director of Environment, Jane Hupe. “We have come a long way in a short amount of time and continue to encourage greater commitment from our member States toward climate action.” 


Resources for Editors 


TAB Recommendations on Eligible CORSIA Emissions Units 

ICAO and Environmental Protection 

ICAO and the UN Sustainable Development Goals 


About ICAO 

A specialized agency of the United Nations, ICAO was created in 1944 to promote the safe and orderly development of international civil aviation throughout the world. It sets standards and regulations necessary for aviation safety, security, efficiency, capacity and environmental protection, amongst many other priorities. The Organization serves as the forum for cooperation in all fields of civil aviation among its 193 Member States. 





Twitter: @ICAO 


William Raillant-Clark 

Communications Officer 


+1 514-954-6705 

+1 514-409-0705 (mobile) 

Twitter: @wraillantclark 

LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/raillantclark/​



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