Kathy Rouchelle 's Reviews > My Fake Vegas Boyfriend

My Fake Vegas Boyfriend by Lori Sizemore
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it was amazing

wonderful throw back storyline, all the way back to the 1950's when having money meant that you were perceived a certain way and had to behave as you are perceived. But this story is more than what Layla is perceived to be. It the story of a young woman who has serious issues, is a little kooky and is a talented photographer. Parents who just want her to conform to what they call "normal" and to be the good daughter who finds a man, marries and lives the fairytale life like normal girls. But Layla is anything but normal and when her mother suggests the possibility of her being committed, Layla has to think fast and what she comes up with is that she is seeing someone. Now, she has to find someone to fill that spot! When she accidentally takes pictures of a celebrity at one of the Casino's, she is visited by the head of security, Jace. Handsome, no gorgeous is what he is, and he is after the negatives of the pictures she took. Here's her chance, dropping right into her lap, her chance to have a fake boyfriend to prove to her family that she is normal. Now if he just accepts the deal!

This story is well written, intriguing and entertaining. The characters were very well written and quite interesting and likable. This is a great read and I truly hope everyone gives this book a try. I highly recommend it.

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Reading Progress

February 5, 2018 – Started Reading
February 5, 2018 – Shelved
February 5, 2018 – Finished Reading

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