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#43 Follow Friday with book bloggers: Rendezvous With A Romance


Hello Friday! Hello Follow Friday with book bloggers! Meet Heather, an avid reader who loves romance stories.


Follow Friday Rendezvous With A Romance on BookLikes



What are you reading right now? How do you like it?



I just finished Laird of the Black Isle by Paula Quinn  and started The Snow White Bride by Claire Delacroix. I loved Laird of the Black Isle and it is too soon to tell about The Snow White Bride.


Laird of the Black Isle - Paula Quinn   



When have you discovered you’re a book lover?


I was in middle school when I picked up my first romance novel, but it wasn’t until I was teaching that I became a voracious reader. It became my escape and has kept me sane.



Why reading is important to you?


It keeps me sane. It is the thing I do that keeps me happy and helps me get through rough school years.


Rendezvous With A Romance



Which books are you most excited recommending to your followers?


This is hard to answer, but here goes. If someone were to ask me to recommend must read books, the list would include:


Bec McMaster's Kiss of Steel (London Steampunk #1), Monica McCarty's The Chief   (Highland Guard #1), Sherrilyn Kenyon Born of Night  (The League #1), Christine Feehan's Shadow Rider   (Shadow Rider #1), Christine Feehan's Bound Together  (Sea Haven #6), Karen Marie Moning's Shadowfever  (Fever #5), Nalini Singh's Archangel's Blade   (Guild Hunter #4), Jeanine Frost's Destined for an Early Grave   (Night Huntress #4) and At Grave's End  (Night Huntress #3), Sherrilyn Kenyon's Styxx  (Dark-Hunter #22...


I really could go on and on. There are so many books that are absolute must-reads, in my opinion.


Kiss of Steel - Bec McMasterThe Chief - Monica McCartyBorn of Night - Sherrilyn Kenyon

Shadow Rider (The Shadow Series) - Christine FeehanBound Together (A Sea Haven Novel) - Christine FeehanShadowfever - Karen Marie Moning

Archangel's Blade - Nalini SinghDestined for an Early Grave  - Jeaniene FrostStyxx - Sherrilyn Kenyon




Your short bio says: “I love supporting and promoting my favorite authors and promoting my favorite authors.” How do you do that?


Through my blog and being part of some of my favorite authors’ reading teams. Every book I read I review on various sites, Goodreads, BookLikes, Amazon, and Barnes and Nobles. I also post on various social media platforms. Any way I can get the word out about the books I read, I do. That is how I support my favorite authors.



How do you find new books to read?


Goodreads and Amazon mostly, and a few publishing companies will send me books to consider. That is definitely where I have expanded the types of romances I read the most.



You’re an English and creative writing teacher. How do you encourage kids and your students to read more?


I don’t hide that I like to read, if they see I like to read then they start asking questions. I also have books in the classroom and anytime someone says they wish they could like reading but haven’t found anything they can stick with I just start asking questions about what they like. What sort of movies and TV shows do they like? Do they like fantasy, sci-fi, spies, horror, etc. and I go from there and recommend an author or a book that fits those interests. 



Your blog name says all about your favorite book genre - romance. Do you switch between the genres or are you loyal to your favorite reading path?


I’m definitely loyal to romance. But from there, there are so many sub genres: paranormal, historical, contemporary, Regency, Medieval, cowboy romances, small town romances, Steampunk, etc.



Do you read one book or several at a time?


One at a time for sure


Reviewed Shelf



  1. Your BookLikes Shelf presents over 800 read titles! How much time do you spend reading?
  2. Every free moment I can. I do not have kids, so when I come home from work I like to curve up with my dogs and read. I don’t watch a lot of TV. I don’t leave the house without a book just in case I find myself somewhere waiting.



A library or a bookstore?





What are your three favorite book covers?


Kiss of Steel by Bec McMaster, Luck Is No Lady by Amy Sandas  , and I Knew You Were Trouble by Soraya Lane


Kiss of Steel - Bec McMasterLuck Is No Lady (Fallen Ladies) - Amy SandasI Knew You Were Trouble - Soraya Lane




A paper book or an e-book?


Both, I like to rotate between the two. I’ll read eBooks for a while and then switch to paperback to rest my eyes for a time.



Three titles for a holiday break?



This one is hard because I read whatever I have on hand that I have purchased or have received from NetGalley/publishers at the time of the holiday. So three books I plan on reading over the summer break I just started include: A Crown of Bitter Orange by Laura Florand, Deadmen Walking by Sherrilyn Kenyon and Torched by Donna Grant





Favorite quote?


Pride and Prejudice (the English teacher inside of me peaking through with this one):

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.


Favorite book, one of many of the favorite lines from it.



If you could pair a book with a drink, what would you prepare to sip while reading?


Either a glass of wine or hot chocolate, depending on how I’m feeling.



Shelfie time! Please share your home library photos :)



Thank you!



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See you next Friday!