Borders of the Confederacy superimposed on a map of human development in the US.

Borders of the Confederacy superimposed on a map of human development in the US.


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  1. mapstories reblogged this from mapsontheweb
  2. logan-lee said: If New York and Los Angeles are what you call “human development” I’m glad to live in the South
  3. penscopio reblogged this from mapsontheweb
  4. careful-icarus reblogged this from mapsontheweb
  5. siliquasquama said: Why are people saying this is an IQ map when the label says “Human Development”?
  6. khaotik-singularity reblogged this from reasonandempathy
  7. jovos2099 reblogged this from mistah-oso
  8. mistah-oso reblogged this from tardigradetheking and added:
    Califorina. Chigago, Detroit. I dion’t think success belongs to any particular party and this is an iq map. Why do you...
  9. reasonandempathy reblogged this from tardigradetheking and added:
    Effectively, yeah.Not economic party specifically, though. To quote wikipedia: The Human Development Index (HDI) is a...
  10. elizabeth-daae reblogged this from mapsontheweb
  11. tardigradetheking reblogged this from mistah-oso and added:
    isn’t this just a testament to the superiority of democrat economic policy
  12. srslynotveryamused reblogged this from mapsontheweb
  13. mapsontheweb posted this