Artist Spotlight: Ron Yarman

Singer. Songwriter. Musician.

Artist Spotlight: Ron Yarman

Ron Yarman’s music is genuine and relatable with sincere, honest lyrics set to a driving pop rock feel. With a balance of tender ballads and vibrant, charismatic melodies, it’s easy to envision your life as a movie and Ron’s songs as the soundtrack.

We recently caught up with Ron to learn more about his songwriting style, what makes a live performance memorable, and what he enjoys most about his AudioTheme website.

Who or what has been your biggest influence as a musician?

Drums were my first love and guitar came years down the road. Growing up in church I learned to play and hone my craft. My influence back then was heavily into hard rock, hip-hop, pop music, or anything with a good beat, but I still tend to draw upon some of those contemporary worship songs for chord structures and melodies. More recently, you can add country-pop into the mix of influences.

How would you describe your style as a songwriter?

I would say my style as a songwriter tends to blend contemporary 90’s music with a twist of modern country set to a pop rock feel.

Do you have a favorite song that you have written?

More recently I tend to identify with my song “Loving Like Lightning.” It’s basically about how someone can come in and out of your life quickly but leave a lasting mark on your heart. It can all happen so fast, like lightning.

Visit Ron’s website to stream and download his Acoustic Sampler

What would you say constitutes a great live performance?

I would say a performance that can captivate the audience, be engaging and create special, memorable moments for everyone involved. I like when you can feel emotion, excitement and energy of the performer as they create a dynamic live show with both slow and upbeat songs

Has there been one performance that has stood out from the rest as the most memorable for you?

I think one turning point and memorable moment for me was when I participated in a local singing contest. I was still shy and nervous and had barely broken into the local music scene at the time. I played guitar and sang in front of a huge audience and all of their friends and family. It was really a nerve-wracking thing, to go from only playing music in church and a few small open mics around town, to a huge audience in a contest with all eyes on you. That moment pushed me to become who I’ve always wanted to be and embrace the potential I have. I made it into the top five contestants, but didn’t win. Two years later I came back to win the whole contest. Even though it wasn’t a gig or a concert it was still a memorable moment as to what can happen when someone realizes the power of a dream and keeps pushing forward.

What feelings do you hope to evoke in someone when they listen to your music?

I would hope that someone would be able to take away the fact that they are loved and valued, and that they matter to someone and are deserving of a love that will see them through until the end. I hope it would stir their hearts to love more deeply and more often. That they would take a chance on love, but also wait for someone worthy of that chance.

What new projects do you have going on at the moment?

I’m currently working on getting a full band together and recording full length album. Recording has really taken up a lot of my time lately.

What can we look forward to from you in the future?

I’m hoping to have this album out by late fall. In the meantime, I still plan to write songs and play local shows.

What’s your favorite thing about your AudioTheme website?

The AudioTheme website has been really easy to use, all my plugins integrate seamlessly. Its allowed me to focus on music rather than playing webmaster. Once I got up and running, everything was a breeze. I love the way it looks and how easy it was to set up and make it all happen.

Love Ron’s website? Learn more about our Ovation theme.

You can find Ron Yarman across the web: