
You are enough - Prima Marketing

Sweet Saturday! Today I'm sharing a layout I did during a Facebook live in the beginning of December. You can see the announcement post of the live here (link) and there's also the list of materials with links. 

The topic of the show was an easy peasy layout using the new Pretty Pale collection. I wanted to keep the project somewhat simple as Holiday time is full of happenings anyway. As I babble in the end of the recording below, it's all about creating if not daily then creating weekly. During times when there's no time left you just have to give yourself the permission to let go and do something less requiring than a mixed media canvas. Or then do it just piece by piece over the course of several days or even weeks.

I'm sorry about the not-so-good photos in this post! Like I said during the show, the sample layout as well this new one headed for Creativation the next morning so I had to take the pictures in the night without daylight. If you want to see better pictures of the collection, please see the announcement post of the live (link) or naturally the reveal post at Prima's blog (link)

Thank you for stopping by today! Have a great Saturday!

Materials: Prima Marketing

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