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science tricks

Flying Cups

Here's a kooky tricky to spice up those dreary family barbecues. Aunt Meryl will marvel at the awesome altitudes your cups achieve.

1. Grab two identical, empty plastic cups.

2. Nest one inside the other.

3. Blow between the rims of the cups.

4. Phoomba! The top cup launches up, up and away. Whoopy do eh?

Blow gently and the cup rises slowly ... wow man.

what's going on?

We all know that moving air can push things around but this cup seems to be getting pulled. Strictly speaking, the cup isn't really being pulled by anything. It is pushed up by air that is at higher pressure inside the cup. Two perplexing properties of all fluids are responsible.

First, the air you blow flows around the cup rather than just bouncing off the way a stream of bullets would ricochet off an impenetrable cylinder. This tendency of flowing fluids to 'stick' to obstacles is called the Coanda Effect. It's named after Henry Coanda who is widely regarded as the godfather of modern jet planes.

Second is the confusing fact that fluids exert less pressure when they flow across the surface of an object. This is called Bernoulli's Principle and as far as counterintuitive phenomena go, it's a doozey. The trick is to remember that fluids such as air and water are made of incredibly tiny molecules, which never sit perfectly still. Even when there is no net flow in a fluid, the molecules constantly jostle around, bumping into each other and bouncing off in all directions. Now the individual collisions molecules and large bodies such as yours don't really pack much of a punch. But multiply the tiny force of one collision by a kazillion and they add up to exert considerable pressure. It's a bit like being shot from every direction by trillions of tiny molecular bullets. You don't usually this pressure because it is equal in every direction. But when fluids flow across the surface of an object, there are less collisions directly against it. The molecular bullets graze along the surface, putting less pressure on it.

Let's combine these effects and get back to those cups. The air you blow hugs the area between the rims. Because it's flowing along this surface, there is now less pressure between the rims than before. But inside the bottom cup, the relatively still air is at the same pressure as before which is higher than the reduced pressure near the rim. This higher pressure air forces the top cup up and out of the bottom cup. Yippee.
