Taking Big Risks to Live a Simpler, Richer Life

Prue Blennerhassett
Prue Blennerhassett

“I was determined to create the time and space in my life to discover who I wanted to be and what I wanted to create in my life.”

Prue Blennerhassett, Business and Life Coach, Make Space Allow Grace

Ten years ago, Prue Blennerhassett found herself dissatisfied while she was working in the cosmetics manufacturing industry. “I was traveling the world but climbing a thankless corporate ladder,” she says. To the outside world, she seemed to be living a glamorous life, but the reality was completely different. “I carried an extra 20 kilograms, rarely exercised, and drank too often. Not only was I physically unhealthy, but I was unhappily single, emotionally starved and energetically depleted.”

Recovering from a Draining Lifestyle

Prue had to accept that her life was a mess. In 2008, she took a short break and went with her mother to India. Little did she know how transformative this journey proved and set her on course for the next stage of her life. The trip opened her eyes to how simple yet profoundly happy and satiated your life could be. “I wondered how could people with so little be so happy,” she recounts. “In contrast, I had seen how unhappy the financially wealthy back home were.”

She returned home but couldn’t shake off the change she observed while in India. It had made a deep imprint on her. Not ignoring the dissatisfaction in the past and acting on her new insight, she took a huge stepshe quit her job within a week. Not only that, she moved away from friends and family to Byron Bay. Prue was ready to risk it all to claim her life back and live on her own terms. Prue began a new chapter at the bohemian seaside town on the northern coast of Australia. “I knew it was a huge risk, but I was determined to create the time and space in my life to discover who I wanted to be and what I wanted to create in my life.”

Embracing A New Beginning

The changes she made went beyond a new address. “Since that day I moved to Byron Bay in 2009, I’ve been using what I learned about spirituality, mindfulness, and self-responsibility in my life,” she describes. The result? Prue lost 20 kg, fell in love, ended up in a happy, long-term relationship, and launched a successful business with $10,000 monthly earningsimpressive, indeed! “I found my true passion and my way to make a difference in the world,” she proudly says.

About Prue Blennerhassett

Prue is Your Inner Calm Coach at Make Space Allow Grace. She helps people cultivate calm, connect to their inner wisdom and weave their legacy in this world both in business and life.

She gave up a comfortable-but-unsatisfactory life to discover her real passion and a completely new life. She strived to go beyond the ordinary life, risking her everything. “Now I help others take back responsibility for their life, embrace who they truly are, and become the creator of true happiness and fulfillment,” she says.

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