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Featured activity: Local Safari

This activity is one of our BRAND NEW activities all about mapping, exploring and helping your local environment. It’s part of our new My Local Area activities.

Each term this year, we’ll have a different activity focus from this new project collection. While the activities do work Keith Edkins [CC BY-SA 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons as stand-alone projects, they are designed to be completed sequentially, one each term.

This second project is all about helping students understand some of the obvious and lesser-known creatures which live in their local area, and gain insight as to how these animals provide food for one another.

Students will explore their local area, documenting the animals they find along the way. This activity could encompass a simple forage around the immediate area of your school grounds, or could be expanded to a half-day visit to the beach, forest or park. Don’t be put off if you’re city-based – you’ll find just as much biodiversity, often more, if you look hard enough!

If you have completed our Local Environment Mapping Activity then consider carrying out your safari in the same area, so that you can use the results to create another layer for your map.

Read more about and download this activity »

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