Part 3 : The Importance of Prayer

Stories of Transformation


Two principles of New Generations’ approach to disciple-making are integral in its success. First, the concept of starting small or slow to end big. Great movements do not often happen in one small step, but they often begin that way. One person choosing to pray, fast, and seek the Lord in obedience may seem small. But it leads to lasting transformation. And we know, movements are not taught, they’re caught. 

A second concept is the importance of modeling our values within our leadership. As an organization acknowledging the crucial step of prayer, we ourselves spend significant amounts of time in prayer. Victory weekends, quarterly fasting, weekly prayer, end of the year prayer, etc. are just a few of the many ways we dedicate our organization and cover the entirety of it in prayer. Because we desire big things in our world, we choose steps that will get us successfully there. It all begins, consists of, and ends with prayer.