Mobility and Transport Digital Wallet

Funded under: CIP-ICT-PSP-2013-7

Project reference: Grant Agreement n. 621027

Start date 1 February 2014     End date 31 July 2016


Keywords: Urban mobility; Smart cameras; Traffic monitoring; Intelligent Transportation Systems; Smart cities

MobiWallet project aims at implementing new visions in Urban Mobility where interoperability is no longer an issue, and cities can provide an electronic fare management system with unparalleled intelligence and functionalities that can be exploited by users and town hall officials alike.

Coupled with a Smartphone-based electronic payment service and enhanced travel functionalities such as personalized trip planning service, the specific pilots deployed across Europe demonstrate the benefits of a unified platform that can seamlessly process the payment schemes of a varied range of transport operators.

MobiWallet addresses Interoperable Fare Management solutions - an essential component in the continued growth and acceptance of the use of smart transport and the smart city - through four key impact areas:

  1. Encouraging modal shift and facilitating ease of use of multiple transport options with a focus on handicapped or disabled users;
  2. Improving efficiency and reducing energy consumption;
  3. Enhancing sustainable mobility for all users;
  4. Improving cross border transportation capabilities in Europe.

Ultimately, the protagonist in any smart transportation system is the citizen and it is improbable that any Interoperable Fare Management system will ever succeed without their input. To this end, Mobiwallet includes the participation of hundreds of users in four pilot cities across Europe (in Santander, Spain; Tuscany, Italy; West Midlands, UK; Novi Sad, Serbia) and collects and analyzes their feedback to guarantee that the implementation of the technological solutions is well-founded on the actual needs of the citizenship and that the solutions provided by these achieve the utmost impact in paving the way for the transportation systems of the future.

Signals and Images Lab role in MobiWallet Project

The research team of the Signal and Images Lab involved in MobiWallet project focused on:

  • Study and development of sensors for intelligent Transportation Systems
  • Smart cameras and computer vision for urban mobility analysis
  • Evaluation of Italian pilot results and outcomes as Evaluation leader


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