Business | Paying for service

Digital money has made it harder to tip the hotel housemaid

Hotel cleaners lose out from app-based charging

By A.W.

How Trump’s tariffs could crush American carmakers

They must hope the levies do not endure

A squirel in a suit sitting at a desk in front of a computer

The Economist’s office agony uncle is back

Another bulging postbag for Max Flannel

The illustration depicts a surreal figure with a head resembling the Belgian flag, balancing a cityscape on a tray in one hand and holding a car in the other. The figure's body is dressed like a performer, and two smoking exhaust pipes protrude from the ba

The smiling new face of German big business

From Allianz to Zalando, pedlars of services are outdoing industrial firms at home—and foreign rivals abroad

Airbus has not taken full advantage of Boeing’s weakness

That could leave a gap for other planemakers to fill

Zyn is giving investors a buzz—for now

Nicotine pouches are growing fast