When you are visiting an audiologist for the first time, it’s natural that you’ll be a little nervous. After all, you’re going through an unknown medical procedure, and you’re not entirely sure what’s in store. You know you’re going to have a hearing test, but the results of that test – and what you can do about them – are unknown.

Taking care of your health means you have to be involved; you have to know what’s happening and why. This is why you should feel completely comfortable asking your audiologist questions before, during, and after the hearing test – you’re just safeguarding your health.

If you’re not sure what you should be asking, then the four frequently asked questions below should give you some ideas.

Before The Test

1. How much experience do you have?

There is no harm in asking your audiologist for their professional experience history. After all, this is your hearing; it’s vital to your quality of life, so you have a right to know who is going to be examining it. Ideally, you are looking for an audiologist with a good level of experience. Patient testimonials may be available if you ask for them, which should help to soothe your nerves.

2. Are my ears ready to be examined?

Your audiologist will usually answer in the affirmative, but it’s always worth checking. Earwax is the main cause of issues here; if you have a substantial build up, it can be difficult for the audiologist to know exactly what is causing your hearing loss. If possible, remove wax from your ears with over-the-counter drops prior to the appointment, then ask your audiologist if everything looks good.

During the test

3. What if I can’t hear anything?

A hearing test will involve a series of sounds being played to you through headphones. You will then click a button when you hear a sound. The sounds are played intermittently in no obvious pattern. If at any point you feel the gap between sounds has been longer than you expect, ask the audiologist if there is something you should be doing and if all is well. This is more to reassure you than anything, so you’re not sitting wondering what’s going on.

After the test

4. Do I need a hearing aid?

With the test done, your audiologist should have a good idea whether or not you’re going to need a hearing aid. They are going to have been able to judge whether your hearing loss is caused by an illness or injury, or whether it is age-related deterioration.

A curious patient is an informed patient, so keep that in mind if you feel awkward asking these questions. Audiologists will have heard all of these before, and with the answers, you’ll be sure you’re well in the loop regarding your own health.