KwikFix™ Spanish Booklet for Restaurant Management




Our KwikFix™ Spanish Booklets are laminated pocket-sized tools that will instantly and effectively help you “get your point across” in Spanish. Our “grammar-less” approach helps lessen frustration and close the communication gap that often exists between managers and Latino employees.

Designed with input from industry experts, this KwikFix™ “Survival” Spanish Booklet includes complete phrases and requests related to: cleaning up, hygiene & safety, hiring and making small talk for example.

All booklets include a pronunciation guide that will instantly make you understood – even if they’ve never spoken Spanish before. An audio download may also be purchased separately.

All KwikFix™ Booklets:

  • Give you only what you need to communicate
  • Have an Easy-to-follow Pronunciation Guide
  • Are a Slim, Pocket-Sized, 6.5” x 3.75
  • Improve Productivity
  • Are affordable! You get a lot of “bang for your buck!”

Inside This Booklet:

  1. Making Small Talk
  2. Survival Basics
  3. Cleaning Up
  4. Food Preparation
  5. Hygiene and Safety
  6. Scheduling & Work Issues
  7. Miscellaneous