How Eton is leading the way on social mobility

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Pupils run to lesson at Eton College
Pupils run to lesson at Eton College Credit:  Dan Kitwood/ Getty Images Europe

Social mobility – or the lack of it – is under the spotlight following the resignation of the entire board of the government’s Social Mobility Commission. If Justine Greening, the Education Secretary under whose remit the Commission falls, is searching for some evidence that progress is actually being made to narrow the attainment gap between rich and poor, she might take a look at what, for many at first glance, might seem an unlikely place: Eton College.

In 2014, when Britain’s most famous public school announced it was to be educational sponsor to a new state-funded free school for boys and girls, the plans were roundly attacked as a gimmick to offer “Eton on the cheap”, rather than a genuine boost to social mobility.

As Holyport College is just eight miles away from its sponsor’s historic site near Windsor Castle, has a traditional ethos, fills 45 per cent of its places with boarders, and is able to use Eton’s top-of-the-range sport, technology and arts facilities, it would, critics suggested, attract not local just-about-managing parents looking for a good school to improve their children’s life chances, but rather those seeking all the perks of a private education, with the taxpayer picking up the tab.

Ben McCarey, deputy head of Holyport, smiles and shakes his head as he recalls the controversy. That isn’t, he says emphatically, how his school has turned out.

McCarey joined Holyport from the very start, moving there from a “gritty” inner city comprehensive in south London. The decision came, he admits, only after long soul-searching: “I was your classic Left-leaning, bleeding-heart liberal teacher.”

What convinced him, though, he recalls, was recognising that the project was driven by a commitment to what he describes as “engineered diversity” – bringing together seamlessly in one community pupils from the state and private sectors to create “a school with a social purpose”.

Far from being elitist, it has above-average levels of pupils with special educational needs, and from minority ethnic backgrounds. It also includes more “looked-after” children on its roll than in all the local schools around it put together.

This diversity was highlighted in its first Ofsted inspection, published in the summer, which judged the school outstanding in every aspect. “I am still fulfilling the goals of ‘excellence for all’ that brought me into state education in the first place,” McCarey explains.

Pupils at Eton College, Berkshire
Pupils at Eton College, Berkshire Credit: Steve Vidler / Alamy Stock Photo

Sitting alongside him as we talk in a high-tech classroom at Eton is Tom Arbuthnott. As director of outreach, he was recruited last year by Eton’s new, young and “updating” headmaster, Simon Henderson, to fulfill a pledge to make the college a force for good both in its local community and in the British education system. Arbuthnott’s brief is to work with McCarey to build a genuine, all-encompassing partnership with Holyport that is, as he puts it, “about more than Eton gives and Holyport takes”.

While use of Eton’s second-to-none facilities is obviously going to benefit Holyport pupils – on the way in, we walk past a mixed group from both schools making good use of the “Eton Fives” courts – the benefits flow both ways, Arbuthnott emphasises. “This is not just an attempt to grab a headline. Our students are so enriched by the Holyport relationship. The interaction between the two schools makes their whole experience of school better. Both sets of pupils realise that they aren’t that different.”

McCarey chips in. “Kids are kids. They learn from each other.”

And so, the pair argue, do the teachers at both schools as part of what they refer to as their “co-curriculum”. We head off to observe a lesson in Eton’s industrial-size Design School. There have been joint projects here – for instance, pupils from both schools taking part in mixed groups in a design challenge competition. But today, with it is 11- and 12-year-olds from Holyport wearing goggles with their standard-issue school uniform and being shown how to use precision machinery to engineer a wooden desk tidy by Eton masters like Kevin Ross, who sports the college’s distinctive staff-and-pupil uniform of white bow ties.

“These sessions,” Ross enthuses, “bring a greater diversity of experience to our department.” At Eton, students only start at 13, so working with younger pupils from Holyport gives staff there a chance to widen their skill set. 

Pupils at Holyport College in Berkshire
Pupils at Holyport College in Berkshire Credit: maria smith

For the boys from single-sex Eton, going to Holyport is most obviously a chance to meet girls - and some of them admit that it has started them wondering why their own school isn’t mixed-sex. “Sometimes you can feel a bit stuck in a bunker at Eton,” explains of one sixth-form participant, “but  coming  to Holyport gets us out, allows us to have fun, and to meet people we might not have met otherwise.” 

These shared activities seem to generate just as much enthusiasm among the Holyport students. “We’ve only just started having a sixth form,” explains one 14-year-old girl, “so at the moment we have still have very few older year groups to look up to. Having these joint sessions gives us role models. It is like being part of a bigger family.”

The same sentiments are expressed by Holyport’s founding headteacher, Walter Boyle. “The key to this partnership,” he explains, “is that it isn’t just joint. It is equal. I have never felt that anyone from Holyport is a second-class citizen in the arrangement. Quite the opposite. I worry sometimes that we get much more out of this than Eton.”

On occasion, he acknowledges, the clout and status of Eton brings benefits, as for example when its matchless pulling power attracts top-notch speakers to give talks that the Holyport pupils attend. Recent “names” include Prof Robert Winston, Michael Gove, the Archbishop of Canterbury and Sir Elton John

But, he is keen to make plain, it is the practical, day-to-day reality that really makes the difference. Holyport’s success so far – including that Ofsted verdict of “outstanding”, which is trumpeted on a flag that hangs over the front door – is something, Eton head Simon Henderson is anxious to make plain, that properly belongs to Holyport’s staff and pupils. “If we are proud to be a small part of that, it is because our two schools are a genuine community."