Top 4 Helpful Infographics for Presentation Design

Infographics are a creative way to share information. At Ethos3, we love creating infographics that offer up expert advice for presentations. You can view our work ranging from presentation content, audience demographics and scientific storytelling. In this blog, we will show you some infographics that will help with your presentation design. These infographics are created by our team of designers and other design teams we discovered on the web.

Top 4 Helpful Infographics for Presentation Design


1.The Power of Visuals by Ethos3

Not to brag, but we are pretty proud of this infographic! Visuals are the most important element of presentation design. This infographic used scientific research and data to explain how powerful visuals can leave an impact on your audience.

2.The Psychology of Color by

Understand the psychology of color before picking a color palette for your presentation design. This infographic makes this concept easy to understand. Not a single color is left out so you can get the full scope of what messages colors send to the viewer.

The Psychology of Color

by Dehahs.

From Visually.


3.Fonts for Presentations by Ethos3

Picking the right font is important for a presentation design. Each font has a history and style that can work for every presentation. Our infographic breaks down what it all means so that you always know what you are getting out of your font choice.

4.Color Emotion Guide by The Logo Company

This infographic gets straight to the point for logo design and color choice. Including every color of the rainbow, you can see how important color choice is for something as small as a logo. This infographic is a great reference for understanding the emotion behind colors.

Source: The Logo Company

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