Jay Wilburn

creating stories, readings, and videos

  • 16 members
  • 1,766 posts
  • $91.42/month

Choose your membership

 / month

Any gift or pledge of support is appreciated. Every patron will receive access to exclusive story content. This includes a monthly serial of a vampire story with new additions to the story every month. It includes downloadable versions of a complete zombie novel which is out of print and an out of print download of a zombie fairytale novella. You will also have access to a number of readings of exclusive stories already available on the site for patrons only.
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 / month

I will keep a running journal of my journey through the process of seeking out a kidney transplant. I don’t know how this story ends and it is the most personal and immediate story I will ever write. I’ll share the details of that journey here in a way that I will not anywhere else as a thank you for your support of me, my family, and my work. You also receive access to all the lower level pledge perks.

You also get a complete album download by Luke Spooner inspired the book The Great Interruption by Jay Wilburn
 / month
None of us travel alone. My wife is an amazing person that is there for me and as a support to my writing. She is deep and genuine. This journey is her journey too and I could not possibly imagine doing it without her. At this pledge level, you will have access to her thoughts as she chronicles this process from her perspective. You also receive access to all lower level pledge perks.

Christmas card list
 / month

Limited (9 of 10 remaining)

In addition to access to all the lower level pledge perks, you will be on our Christmas card list for the world famous Wilburn family Christmas card. I’m not even exaggerating a little. The card is that good. Ask around! We look forward to including you in all the page has to offer for your ongoing support. It means a lot.
Birthday card list
 / month

Limited (4 of 5 remaining)

In addition to access to all the lower level pledge perks and the Christmas card list, you will be on the birthday card list too. Jenny will design the card and produce it especially for you. We’ll write a message and sign as well. It is your birthday after all. Jenny is a great designer!
Monthly pen pal
 / month

Limited (5 of 5 remaining)

In addition to access to all lower level pledge perks, the Christmas Card list, and the birthday card list, we will send you monthly correspondence. You’ll get more cards exclusively designed by Jenny Wilburn and signed by all of us. There will be other types of written correspondence and updates sent to you each and every month.
Recent posts by Jay Wilburn
Jay Wilburn

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