Asbestos leak mitigated at Ridgefield High


Ridgefield School District officials have contained an asbestos fiber release in the high school’s locker rooms, Superintendent Nathan McCann said in a news release issued Aug. 21.

During the previous week, construction crews mounting a fire sprinkler system in the locker rooms drilled holes into ceiling tiles that contained asbestos, “causing a fiber release episode where asbestos fibers released into the air can be inhaled, possibly causing health problems,” according to the release.

Less than one square foot of asbestos tile was damaged, McCann said. District personnel enacted the Asbestos Hazardous Emergency Response Act (AHERA) procedures to contain and mitigate the situation.

Access to the area was immediately restricted after the discovery of asbestos dust, and a certified AHERA project designer employed by PBS Engineering and Environmental Inc., the asbestos mitigation contractor retained by the district, put together a cleanup strategy. AHERA contractors removed “gross debris” and any affected surfaces, and the exposed area was cleaned by certified AHERA contractors using HEPA-filter vacuums and wet-wiping, according to the release.

After a visual test was passed, air sampling tests were performed to ensure adequate air quality before allowing people back in the area.

“Student health and safety is our top priority,” McCann said. “We are disposing of exposed athletic equipment in order to completely limit student exposure to asbestos fibers.”

Among the equipment that will be disposed of are football jerseys, shoulder pads, helmets and a variety of other pads for pants. Volleyball game and practice nets along with safety pads for officials’ stands also were disposed of, as well as a small amount of other athletic equipment, the release said.

Orders have been placed for all of the football gear, which is expected to arrive the first week of September before the opening game.

“We understand that this episode has been a hardship on our football and volleyball players,” said Debbie Bentler, athletic director for the school district. “Our coaches and players have been really patient in working with us through resolving this matter.”