Play and Tinkering in the Classroom PD: Join our conversation

View of room over winter break
View of room over winter break

I am lucky enough to work with a group of amazing educators in my building who are pushing the boundaries of learning in the classroom and in aspects of the digital world. For our professional development this year I am taking on the role of helping them with the notion of play, tinker, and exploration in education. As the work to develop surveys and ways to implement these mindsets in the classroom we are moving ahead with weekly meetings in the mornings.

As an avid robotics coach, tinkering junkie, and someone that wants to push the boundaries of learning in public schools I feel that sharing out what we are doing is essential. I would love to bridge our conversations and ideas to the world. We need more ideas and feedback.

To kick things off I am sharing out the first week reading list. I kept is short with only one article, but many have asked if I would be sharing out these resources that I gather. The readings each week will come from various MOOC’s I have participated in along with Twitter chats, and suggestions from others.

The next steps are to share out our PD plan along with a Google Plus group for more of us to connect.

For now I share with you our first reading. Please join our G+ Community, introduce yourself and share your thoughts on the week 1 reading and anything else. We look forward to connecting.


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