Tips on Thursday!
Tip # 11

Public Speaking Tip

After joining Toastmasters International and completing one of my first speeches my ending line was to "thank" the audience. Saying thanks after a speech is a "usual" and traditional ending. My mentor and the founding member of the club quickly gave me some wise advice:

"Never thank the audience".

I asked why...

He said that "We, the audience, should be thanking you the speaker for allowing us to be in attendance during your speech." He continued; "As a speaker, YOU are the expert. We are here to learn from you and should be grateful for the opportunity."

I must say these were wise words and a wonderful ego-booster too!

Ever since that day I have kept these words in my mind. This has helped me to quell my nerves before and during any speaking opportunity since.

Just as with any business or self-help book, my thoughts are that I, and others, can learn from this opportunity. Even if it's only 1 small piece of advice that will help me in my personal or professional life it's well worth the time or money spent.

Let's face it; nerves will always be a part of any presentation. But what has helped me greatly is that I know I am sharing valuable information and insights with the audience. I am there to help, to educate, to inform.

Does this make me an expert? No, not necessarily. But it does make me someone that can share whatever knowledge and wisdom garnered through years of experience.

So remember: Public speaking is a great opportunity to teach, coach and develop others. Believe that you ARE the expert and are there to help. The heck with nerves, you have more important things to do...

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Hope you enjoyed this week's tip.

"See you" next week!

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