If You Suffer from Disease or Illness, Sleep Should be Your #1 Priority


People often believe that sleeping is something you do when you feel super tired. They don’t realize that sleep processes are actually vital to keeping the body healthy and disease-free.

Sleep goes way beyond getting rid of the bags under your eyes and putting you in a better mood: getting an adequate amount of quality sleep is essential for lifting your mood, managing your weight and creating a healthy lifestyle.

In fact, sleep is one of the most important aspects of healing. If you suffer from some sort of illness or disease process, good, quality sleep should be your first priority in getting well.


During Sleep, the Body Heals Itself

You might have noticed that when you get a cold or the flu, you want to curl up in bed and sleep for hours. This is because when we sleep, the body is healing itself: since we’re not moving around and active, energy is funneled toward processing nutrients and fighting bacteria.

When you sleep, the immune system gets a big boost.

In fact, it has been shown that people who sleep better actually live longer lives. This may be in part because sleep helps to curb inflammation in the body – and inflammation can lead to heart disease, diabetes and premature aging.

Research has shown that people who get less than 6 hours of sleep nightly tend to have higher levels of inflammatory blood proteins, which can also lead to heart attack.

Sleep is Preventative

In general, people who sleep well are much less prone to disease or illness. This is not only because their body has the time it needs to restore the immune system and rejuvenate itself, but it’s also because when we sleep well, we have the mental facility to make better choices during the day.

When we don’t sleep well, we reach for candy bars or soda in the afternoon to fight daytime sleepiness. Or by the time we get home after work, we’re so exhausted that the idea of going on an evening walk or visiting the gym just feels imposible.

It’s been proven over and over again with regards to sleep: people that don’t get a good night’s rest cannot think as clearly the next day. 10 times out of 10, the person that has gotten the best sleep is going to be able to function better.

They can handle stress more easily, they can manage challenges that come their way, and they’re calmer throughout the day.

Not only that, but they look brighter, healthier and they’re much happier so people want to be around them!

I’m always surprised when I realize how we take sleep for granted. If you’re truly committed to living a healthy and long life, invest some time and energy into your sleep habits. Create some strong practices that leave you feeling cared for and nurtured, and you will enjoy the longevity you desire.

Want to find out how to achieve your sleep goals, naturally? Click HERE to set up a time to speak with me one-on-one and we’ll pinpoint how you can get better rest every night.

Wishing you peace to your mind, wellness to your body and tranquility to your spirit.


Rochel Marie Lawson, RN, AHP, CMS

The Queen of Feeling Fabulous and The Wellness Architect

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