Episode 042: Clutter and Five Elements with Katherine Metz, Part 1



I'm so excited to talk with one of my mentors, Katherine Metz, on clutter, feng shui and the five element philosophy. Clutter is becoming a popular concept in our society, and Katherine has decades of experience with addressing and correcting clutter, keeping feng shui and the five element theory in mind.

Thanks so much to Katherine for joining us and offering her wonderful knowledge on clutter and feng shui. Be sure to join us for the second part of this podcast on May 22! If you are a metal or water personality, do you identify with the points, Katherine touched on? We'd love to hear from you!

You can also send in feng shui and green design questions and potentially have them answered on our Q&A Sunday series!

If you'd like urgent or private answers, check out our 15-minute consultation calls!

Don't forget to also sign up for the Holistic Spaces newsletter for once-a-month tips on holistic living and feng shui, and leave us a review on iTunes for a chance to win a mini consultation on the podcast!

With over 30 years experience, Feng Shui Expert Katherine Metz is your guide and personal Sherlock in an exciting forum—Feng Shui Storyboard.

The Storyboard illuminates the mystery of place. We are all profoundly shaped by our environment. It’s imperative that we unfold a better understanding of the working relationship between buildings and people. Only then will our buildings offer the grace required of them.

Inspired by 25 years of study with H. H. Grandmaster Professor Lin Yun, Katherine is boldly and creatively infusing new life into an ancient art. You can find more information about Katherine and her services at katherinemetz.com.

Products Mentioned on This Podcast:

Agate Non-Metal Feng Shui Rings

Sun Moon Mirror