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How To Shorten Your Time Spent On Job Searching

Forbes Coaches Council
Kitty Boitnott

Once you decide you want to make a job or career change, your first tendency is to feel impatient. You want to get through the murky uncertainty of the job search itself and have it behind you. I understand that. I don’t care for loose ends in my life, either.

Being in a rush might delay your success. You need to slow down and do your homework before diving in head first. The truth is, job hunting in today’s environment takes time. In fact, the only thing that is certain is that your job search will take longer than you think it should. For a while, the average job hunt was taking four-to-nine months from start to finish. Some of that time is spent waiting for HR to make a final offer. But the job search itself demands a lot of time.

You probably won't want to hear this, but the best way to shorten your job search is to get help. Hire a coach. Find someone who is knowledgeable. You need someone who will care about your success and understands the process in its entirety.

I recognize that not everyone wants to hire a coach. Money is tight, especially if you are between jobs. You may have no money coming in at the moment, so hiring someone feels like a luxury you can't afford.

In the event you can't get professional help, you can turn to free resources that are at your disposal. Most colleges and universities offer free career services for alumni.

I happen to live in a city where at least two networking groups of job seekers exist. They coordinate their programs with one another and offer a combination of technical support and emotional support, including pro bono coaching for those who want it. Check out your city or town to see if there is a similar support network. If not, consider starting one! It is an excellent way to meet new people from other industries and walks of life.

Job hunting can often feel like riding a roller coaster, and if you stay on it long enough, it stops being fun. That’s why networking groups are so beneficial. Check in your area to see if a support group for job seekers is available.

The worst part of job searching is that when you are starting out, you don’t know what you don’t know. Unfortunately, in this case, the whole “ignorance is bliss” adage is not accurate. In fact, ignorance in job hunting can be downright dangerous! What you don’t know can and will hurt you. That’s why you need guidance along the way.

For example, you can find information on every aspect of your job search right here on There are plenty of other online resources available, too. All you have to do is look.

Last year, for example, Huffington Post offered a list entitled "2016 Best Career Apps and Websites to Land Your Dream Job."I follow certain job search leaders in this field all the time. I appreciate Liz Ryan, for example. I also follow Abby Kohut of Absolutely Abby.

The point is that job hunting today isn’t like it was even a few years ago. It has gotten a lot more complicated, complex and nuanced. If you don’t get help from somewhere, you may delay your success.

Shorten the time you spend on your next job search by being smart. Admit to yourself that there are some things you don’t know yet. Do your homework before your launch your job search.

Remember what it was like learning to swim? You had to learn the basic strokes and get comfortable in the shallow end of the pool first. The same goes for job hunting. If you try to jump right into your job search without proper preparation and an understanding of the basics, you could get yourself into trouble fast. At the very least, you will waste valuable time.

Shorten the time spent on job searching by getting the help you need early in the process. You won't be sorry you did. Happy job hunting!