By @SimonCocking

Describe the company – the elevator pitch …

SAXA bridges the gap between young designers and global customers by providing a hassle-free shopping experience with exclusive, affordable and style-fix clothing. It’s like Vogue + Amazon. Where fashion meets ethical, all our designers are exclusive at SAXA, we are the only retailers selling them.

SAXA leather jacket at Marie Claire HK May issue

How are you different?

We fight against mass production, slavery and child labour in the fashion industry, we stand up for the rising independent designer, in so doing we align ourselves with shoppers who are looking for individualism and difference with a competitive price. It’s a worldwide venue to small business and high quality ethical and affordable products to our customers.

Why will the company/product do well?

In the actual retail market we find a massive gap in terms of product source and price, the consumer has basically 2 options while looking for a new item, either he finds a low quality from a fast fashion brand or if they are seeking quality, he finds himself paying a considerable amount for a high-quality big label. SAXA provides the product between these 2 categories, high quality, original design like the big label but with an attractive price. Customers are also more careful with the source of the products they purchase, they like to know who made them, how… we make all that clear. It’s an honest and fair way to buy your clothing and accessories.

Where are you based?

Dublin, Ireland

When was the company launched?

The company was funded in 2013 but the site went live only in 2015.

American actress Arden Cho wearing leather cape by SAXA 

What have been your biggest wins to date?

So far and without any marketing budget we could manage to get worldwide customers with 65% retention, we had been endorsed by international celebrities, digital influence’s and we are in fashion magazines in different countries every month.

SAXA also earned the Pure London best e-commerce against big names like

What type of people (market segment) are you trying to attract to your product?

Our customers are mainly women’s from 25-55 years old who shops online at least 50% of the time, we sell worldwide but our top 3 markets are USA, UK and Emirates.

What are your long term plans for your product/company?

We are currently on pre-series A funds and planning to grow even more the number of brands and the target customer market.

What are your favourite tech gadgets?

I’m a Chrome cast fan, can’t live without it.

What tech gadgets do you wish you could use to help you?

We couldn’t find what we wanted, so we are developing ourselves a new tool for fitting, we want to reduce to zero the returns related to size and make customers more confident while shopping online.

Kendall Jenner hat and Kylie Jenner choker, both exclusive for SAXA

How do people get in touch with you?

Please visit us at , our kids site or by social media @saxastore @saxakids

If you would like to have your company featured in the Irish Tech News Business Showcase, get in contact with us at [email protected] or on Twitter: @SimonCocking

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