Why It's Ok To NOT Be The Expert

My baby brother is over from Cyprus right now, and we did ParkRun together at the weekend (check out the sweaty sibling pic below).

I have a hard time calling myself a runner.

I don't look like one.

I don't run particularly fast at the moment.

I am certainly not breaking any records.

But I do run.

My brother said to me after my second half marathon in March, "Jo you run, therefore you are a runner".

I find that hard to equate with ME.

Do you ever feel like that?

Like, there are SO many people better/more experienced than you, who would listen to what YOU have to say on the subject?

Well, as an example, back in 2011 Nike wanted to hear what I had to say on the subject.

In fact, they sponsored a team that I ran in for the very reason that we weren't perfect - we were women all sharing our journey with running as beginners doing our first ever half marathon.

Nike didn't want us to be the experts.

They wanted us to share the journey. The highs, lows, tears, joy, all of it.

Were we experts? HELL NO.

Did people want to hear from us? Errrr.YES!

So here is the thing:

Your audience and your future clients want to hear from you, right now, where you are.

They want to watch and learn from you.

To share your experiences.

To follow your progress.

It doesn't have to be perfection.

Far from it.

Are me and my little legs perfect? Nope.

But a huge brand like Nike knew that people who don't feel good enough to run want to learn from people just like them who are doing it.

So what do your audience and clients want to hear from you?

~ Jo xox

P.S On Monday 5th June the next round of my mini mastermind Brand Your Brilliance will kickstart again. This is 3 months of hands-on work with me and my genius guest experts to nail your content strategy, dig into your messaging and brilliance, and get your clients queuing up to buy from you

It's a game changer, and there are just a couple of spots left. Email me jo@jogifford.co to apply and find out more.