5 Good Tips for a Healthy Relationship

5 good tips for a healthy relationship chicago couples counseling center


Good Healthy Relationship Tips

By Couples Counseling Staff

Relationships are in many ways the most common form of human connection. We see them everywhere, in every culture and society. From the classic and widespread monogamous type to the spicy and frowned-upon polyamorous ones, relationships come in many forms.

Still, what makes them all similar are three essential factors: intimacy, passion and engagement. Without these three the relationship will be troublesome and will end most likely.

Still, no matter how perfect is our relationship to a significant other, we must always work on it and maintain it. Here are 5 healthy relationship advice tips that we commonly offer to our Chicago couples counseling and therapy clients that we would like to share with you.


five facts

1) Have an Open Mind

It is important to keep an open mind and a relaxed attitude while in a relationship. Much too often we come home from work after a really long day of frustration and we explode at the tiniest remark from our beloved.

We become resentful and judgmental. This proves dangerous to the relationship’s health. For this reason, you want to keep an open mind around your partner. This way, you’ll keep yourself from interpreting the wrong way the things they say and engage in meaningful conversations.

2) Be Honest about Your Feelings

Honesty is really the best policy. Being genuine and authentic about your feelings will save both of you a lot of trouble. Why torment your partner trying to figure out the meaning of your words or actions? Let them know how you really feel about going to the movies with her friends or about her obsession with getting a pet.

Bottling up things that you think are minor can eventually lead to a blow-out, which has the potential for creating a dynamic where things are said out of anger (read our post on fair fighting).

couples time out


3) Wait 24 Hours Before Making Big Decisions

There comes a time in every relationship when we become so driven by our impulses that we make snap decisions. We feel so certain about them at that moment that we become confused later on when we realize how poorly a decision we have made.

Therefore, if you get in a huge fight over something, refrain from making a snap judgement. Let some time pass so you can sit with your emotions and act accordingly.

4) Respect Each Others Privacy

This is oftentimes an ignored aspect of modern day relationships. Most people enter a relationship expecting to have full access to e-mail passwords and such in order to check for their partener’s fidelity. While this may seem like something healthy and normal, it isn’t.

You both need personal space and privacy, a special place where the other is not allowed. After all, a relationship is about two people coming together, not two people becoming one.

new couples advice


5) Make Time for the Relationship

We have written about the importance of making time for the relationship before but it is a point worth repeating. One of the biggest mistakes couples make is putting their relationship on autopilot – which means they go through the day to day activities of being attached to someone without really being with them.

The salient point here is to recognize that relationships take work and intimacy doesn’t happen magically. Setting aside time with your mate on a regular basis is critical to maintaining relational health.

Summing Things Up

All things considered, relationships are a place of collision. When two people, two universes meet, at first they collide, then they dance. Until we learn to dance gracefully with each other, some collisions are to be expected. Use these 5 tips to make things easier on both of you.

Thanks for visiting the Couples Counseling Center in Chicago online. We hope you found the tips we listed here useful!