Woman who drove drunk with flat tire, son in back seat gets fine, driving ban


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A woman who was drunk driving on a flat tire, with her 11-year-old son as a passenger, has been fined $1,200 and banned from driving for a year.

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Hey there, time traveller!
This article was published 23/05/2017 (2529 days ago), so information in it may no longer be current.

A woman who was drunk driving on a flat tire, with her 11-year-old son as a passenger, has been fined $1,200 and banned from driving for a year.

“I hope you appreciate the risk involved in your behaviour that night,” Judge John Combs said.

Nicole Dawn Hercina pleaded guily on Monday to driving with a blood-alcohol over the legal limit. She also admitted to driving while disqualified and driving without liability insurance.

Crown attorney Marnie Evans said that police pulled over Hercina on the evening of April 30 because the car she was driving had a flat tire.

The tire was completely flat, and the officer could hear the wheel’s rim rolling on the asphalt.

Hercina was stumbling after she got out of the car, and she slurred as she admitted to drinking. Breath tests confirmed her blood-alcohol level at far above the legal limit.

Her son was in the back seat of the car.

Defence lawyer Philip Sieklicki said his 40-year-old client is a single mom who was at a friend’s barbecue prior to being stopped.

Sieklicki said Hercina planned to stay at her friend’s with her son, but he awoke with a panic attack. The boy desperately wanted to go home, and his mom was driving there when pulled over.

Hercina didn’t realize the car’s tire was flat, Sieklicki said.

» ihitchen@brandonsun.com

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