Deadman Horror Show

creating a late-night horror show for horror fiends

  • 153 posts

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Your contribution will help keep improve The Deadman Horror Show in various ways such as paying authors for their stories, acquiring certain props and more creative shows.

You will get shoutout on every episode of the Deadman's Horror Show

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Super Fan
 / month
Your contribution will help keep improve The Deadman Horror Show in various ways such as paying authors for their stories, acquiring certain props and more creative shows.

You will get shoutout on every episode of the Deadman's Horror Show
You will also be invited to private live streams (watching horror movies and such).

  • Live Stream
  • Recognition
 / month
Your contribution will help keep improve The Deadman Horror Show in various ways such as paying authors for their stories, acquiring certain props and more creative shows.

You will get shoutout on every episode of the Deadman's Horror Show
You will also be invited to private live streams (watching horror movies and such).
You will also be invited to discuss future ideas for the show
  • Recognition
  • Live Stream
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Deadman Horror Show

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