The Magic of May and Beltane

The Magic of May and Beltane April 17, 2017

apple blossom magic of may beltane rachel patterson
Apple Blossom

The magic of May and Beltane

The magic of May and Beltane – and so begins the active part of the year, the earth is sending forth new life, the sap is rising, the birds are singing and growth is all around us.

This month is all about passion, power and raw energy, the fertility of new life and growth and the union of male and female energy in whatever form…nuddy prod games optional… The male and female energy is a traditional reflection of the god and goddess but in today’s enlightened society let’s go with unions of all kinds, no matter what flavour you are.

Everything you do in this month will bring you closer to your goals; use the energy that is all around you to focus your intent.  Work with May’s powerful, bawdy, raucous energy.  Although it’s not just about the animal instincts, this month also brings the magical properties of abundance and growth.  It is time to work some magic to increase your bank balance and improve your health.

1st May is Beltane or May Day and it is all about that va va voom passion, jump on board and get carried away with the fiery energy and make it work for you.

Don’t forget to show some love for Mother Earth too…

Deities for May

You might like to connect with one of these goddesses for this month:

Corn Woman, Green Tara, Hera, Isis, Mawu, Juno, Oonagh, Poluknalai and Gula

May/Beltane Energy/Spell Work

May is a month to work with the powers of the element of fire and the passions of Beltane but also to connect with the realm of Faerie.

Work magic this month for:

Personal growth





Banish bad habits

Self esteem

Personal goals


Sex magic





May Moon Lore

May’s moon brings forth bursts of life and sexuality.  Fruit trees start to bloom and the world around you suddenly seems transformed into the hanging gardens of Babylon.  It’s time to rekindle the fire in your love life, dance, sing and make merry.  This moon is also a good time for connecting with the Fae and nature spirits.

Names for the May Moon include:

Hare Moon, Bright Moon, Dryad Moon, Flower Moon

In the Celtic Tree Calendar:

Willow Moon 15th April – 12th May, healing and expressing the emotions

Hawthorn Moon 13th May – 9th June, fertility, love and prosperity

During this month’s full moon go outside if you can and soak up her energies, let her speak to you and see what names come to you.


Adapted from the Arc of the Goddess book.

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