10 Common Content Marketing Misconceptions

Quality Content Marketing has dawned a new era of Digital marketing. But as we know all things come at a cost. Similar instances have been faced with utter misconceptions and intellectuals in case Content marketing as well.

Let’s ponder upon 10 common misconceptions marketers’ tag along Content Marketing:

Generating Content is Content Marketing

You are creating content, so you think you are a content marketer?
Well, for your disappointment, you are wrong. There’s much more to content marketing than just producing content. A true content marketer’s strategies include concepts for content distribution, interaction, and communication with the audience. You need to cut a clear idea about your focused goals and targeted group to reach.
Depending on the content approach, you need to craft out an editorial calendar and include company’s departments in your strategy for fabricating and distributing the content.

Content Marketing is Cheap and Effortless

Many people often conceptualize that content marketing is an easy and inexpensive task. Many online businesses mistakenly assume that creating content is a simple job. People think that anyone can build quality content in swiftly without much sweat. It’s true that anyone can create content. But producing quality content that will be focused on a specific customer segment, contain highly relevant keywords as per requirement and carrying a persuasive message that converts visitors into customers comes only with experience and time.

Content Marketing is a One-Time Activity

Content Marketing is an ever-evolving quest. It undergoes lots of changes and alterations in content, writing style and much more with time and taste of followers. But many potential business makers were under a false impression that content marketing is a one-time effort and needs to be undertaken only once. However, the fact who likes to stay with the monotonous and same content forever? Nobody, right! Hence, if you thrive to attract an incessant stream of online visitors, then content needs to be regularly updated, and recent trends of writing have to be followed.

10 Common Content Marketing Misconceptions

Content Doesn’t Call for Customization

As discussed, content marketing is not a one-time policy, but requires customizations based on a particular market segment. A single ‘One-range-fits-all’ content cannot outfit all the needs of the audience. The reality is all potential customers visiting your site will not be the same. They will showcase varied levels of need, motivations, and desire differently for visiting the site. So, if you think that the same bit of the content can satisfy all of the audience, then your approach is unrealistic. You have to modify often the website content based on the preferences of prospective buyers, product distinctiveness or a demographic profile.

Content Marketing is only Digital

Before Digital Marketing thrust the market, all the conventional sources were based upon for content marketing strategies. The tactics involved conferences, seminars, lectures, workshops, technical magazines or papers, industry report, specialized publications and clients’ demands or tailored requirements. Whatever may be the approach, conventional or digital, content marketing relies only on relevant content. So just limiting your content strategy to digital and online marketing will limit your action radius. Hence marketers shouldn’t ignore the traditional ways as an ideal strategy integrates both.

Content (Marketing) is/isn’t for Google

Content Marketing aims at a targeted audience. Google helps you to reach this audience.  But the entire content cannot be focused on Google, if it does then its SEO based and SEO doesn’t pertain to content marketing.

But yes one cannot deny the fact that Google attracts attention for your content. So you even can’t ignore it. It attracts an audience that will backlink and share your content share on social platforms. They would recommend and rate content as well. Search engines record all of this as they love the quality.

Even if content marketing, isn’t based much on SEO or focused much on satisfying Google, but SEO can eventually profit from content marketing efforts. And make sure content marketing and SEO go hand in hand.

Content Marketing is Restricted to SEO Content

Google Analytics is a powerful tool that identifies your content and drives the attention it deserves. But creating content for SEO is not content marketing as well optimizing your content for search engines especially keywords does not necessarily guarantee successful content marketing. Focused SEO content strategies leave out all other possibilities content marketing might hold for you.

Content marketing is created for a segmented audience. The audience always looks for informative, well composed and an entertaining piece of content. Enormous keyword staffing and optimization can destroy user experience.  Google may still fetch people for your content, but not necessarily market the content.

You can focus on producing quality content based on audience’s likes and recommends that triggers on the generation of backlinks and social signals that improve search positions.

Content Marketing Cannot Return Measurable ROI

Major businesses assume that measuring results for an online marketing strategy cannot be performed. This form a primary reason that why content marketing deliverability is looked at with doubt and suspicion. The reality is the other way round with accurate measuring online tools being available. These tools assess the effectiveness of any content marketing campaign. For instance, Google Analytics digs deep down to get detailed performance graph for any campaign.

All Content Should Center Around My Business

One of the prime complaints consumers have raised is that companies who market to them on social media platforms appear too promotional. This problem can even become more common for content marketers as they formulate old school advertising background and put out messages in the form of copywriting.

Content Marketing is a Campaign

“Content marketing is not a campaign — it’s an approach, a philosophy, and a business strategy”, quoted by Joe Pulizzi defines content marketing generically.

Content Marketing is much more than the content. It is a tactical and well-tuned blend of publishing, producing, communicating, sharing content, and interacting around the content. It’s like being an element of discussions with a planned goal in mind.

If you know the above myths about content marketing, then you share a better understanding platform. If not you can still learn about them from the above piece of article.

Author - Rachel Radmond
Rachel Radmond Author at Fortune Reuters Rachel Radmond, Sr. Business Development Manager, Fortune Reuters is driven by the passion to offer customer value beyond all. With her invaluable managerial experience of working for multinational companies she has gathered comprehensive knowledge and understanding of Enterprise-level companies that’s been instrumental in our growth as a global B2B contact data brand. Her market insights and how she beautifully correlates it with the need for fortune companies to procure data for multichannel campaigns has been the secret to her success.