Colorado considers legalizing self-driving cars

Brandon Rittiman

DENVER - State lawmakers will consider a law that would allow driverless cars on Colorado roads with only one very simple requirement: if it can follow traffic laws, it’s street legal.

An Uber driver navigates their way on the roads. Colorado is considering a bill that would allow self-driving vehicles on the roads.

The state senate already passed SB 213. On Wednesday afternoon, the bill gets its first house hearing in the transportation committee.

The bill as passed by the senate relies somewhat on the honor system.

To put a self-driving car on the road, it does not require any certification of roadworthiness. However, if the vehicle is not capable of obeying all traffic laws, it does require the state transportation department and state patrol to sign off on tests of the self-driving system.

“There is no current law,” said Sen. Owen Hill (R-Colorado Springs,) one of the bipartisan sponsors of the proposal to legalize self-driving cars. “It's not clear that you can do it. And it's not clear that you can't do it. And so we are just saying very clearly, unequivocally, you can do this in Colorado provided you can follow all of the rules of the road just like any human driver.”

Read the full story from our news partners, 9News.

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