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17 Bucket List Hikes You Need To Experience In Canada

Conquering mountains one trail at a time.

Hiking is a Canadian's favourite past-time. So we're bring you some of the best hikes and views from coast to coast. Live (or hike) out the ultimate Canadian experience and finish this bucket list of surreal hikes.

So whether you want to go on your own Wild experience, Canadian-style or you're looking for a short and sweet scenic hike, this list from Narcity has got you covered.

Note: please be careful, do your research and prepare properly before embarking on your ultimate Canadian adventure. Be nice to the environment, clean up after yourselves, and try to stay on designated trails.

1. Skyline Trail // Cape Breton Island, NS

Difficulty: Easy

Distance: 7.5 km return or 9.2 km loop

Time: 2 — 3 hours

Elevation Gain: 290 — 405 metres

Season: May — October

2. Joffre Lakes // Pemberton, BC

Difficulty: Moderate

Distance: 11 km

Time: 3 – 5 hours

Elevation Gain: 400 metres

Season: June – October

3. St Mark’s Summit // North Vancouver, BC

Difficulty: Intermediate

Distance: 11 km

Time: 3 – 5 hours

Elevation Gain: 460 metres

Season: June – October

*PS: recognize this from cover photo of the Narcity Canada FB page?

4. Moraine Lake Shoreline/Rock Pile // Banff National Park, AB

Difficulty: Easy

Distance: 3 km return

Time: 45 min

Elevation Gain: Minimal

Season: May — October

5. Bruce Trail // Bruce Peninsula National Park, ON to

Difficulty: Varies through hike

Distance: 885 km

Time: Varies on sections/leg of trail. Some parts can be as short as an hour. If you want to do the entire hike from start to finish, it varies depends on the amount hiked per day; for example, if hiking 8 hours a day (approximately 30km), it would take around 30 days to complete.

Elevation Gain: Varies through hike

*This trail is no joke, it is Canada's oldest and longest footpath. But you don't have to complete the entire trail from start to finish. For example, the 6 km Cape Dundas Loop is a great hike that is part of the trail. If you're looking to go for a Wild experience, Canadian-style, this hike could be an option, but obviously be prepared and do your research.

6. Deux-Criques Trail // La Mauricie National Park, QC

Difficulty: Difficult

Distance: 17 km

Time: 7 hrs.

Elevation: around 761 metres

*This hike is especially beautiful in the fall.

7. The West Coast Trail // Pacific Rim National Park Reserve, BC

Difficulty: Difficult

Distance: 75 km

Time: Varies on trail selection. You don't have to hike the entire trail and can opt to complete certain sections. If you do want to finish the trail from start to end, it will take approximately 5 — 7 days, depending on how much you're hiking each day

Elevation: Varies on section

Season: May — September

8. Cape Split Trail // Cape Split Provincial Park Reserve, NS

Difficulty: Moderate

Distance: 12 km

Time: 4 – 5 hours

Elevation: Unknown

9. Green Gardens Trail (Long Pond Trailhead to coast return) // Gros Morne National Park, NL

Difficulty: Intermediate

Distance: 9 km

Time: 3 — 4 hours

Elevation: 270 metres

Season: The park's operating season is from mid-May to mid-October

10. Pic Champlain // Bic National Park, QB

Difficulty: Moderate

Distance: 6 km

Time: 2 hours

Elevation: 346 metres

Season: The park is open year-round

11. Greenwich Dunes // Prince Edward Island National Park, PE

Difficulty: Moderate

Distance: 4.8 km

Time: 2 hours

Season: Late spring — fall

12. Johnston Canyon // Banff National Park, AB

Difficulty: Easy

Distance: 4.8 km

Time: 2 hours

Elevation Gain: 120 m

13. Akshayuk Pass // Auyuittuq National Park, NU

Difficulty: Moderate

Distance: 97 km

Time: 5 — 6 days

Elevation Gain: 420 metres

Season: Summer, especially July and August

14. Grey Mountain // Whitehorse, YT

Difficulty: Easy

Distance: 12 km

Time: 5 hours

Elevation Gain: 200 metres

Season: Year round (snowshoes in winter)

15. Top of the Giant // Sleeping Giant Provincial Park, ON

Difficulty: Intermediate/Advanced

Distance: 22 km

Time: 6 — 8 hours

Elevation Gain: 290 metres

Season: Year round

16. Lake Louise Lakeshore // Lake Louise, AB

Difficulty: Easy

Distance: 4 km

Time: 1 hour

Elevation Gain: Minimal

Season: Year round

17. Crypt Lake // Waterton Lakes National Park, AB

Difficulty: Moderate

Distance: 17.2 km

Time: 6 hours

Elevation Gain: 675 metres

Season: The park is open year-round

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