Recognition and Relevance: Two Sides of the BA Story


A key issue raised by business analysts concerns the lack of recognition they receive from their colleagues and customers. Given that business analysis has been a professional discipline for over two decades, why is this still the case and what, if anything, can be done to address it? Is it time for business analysts to consider how they contribute to this situation and take appropriate action? In this presentation, Debbie Paul will look at some of the reasons for the lack of BA recognition and discuss what we might do to raise the BA profile.

This keynote takes place as part of the BA-Camp on May 11, 2017 in Vienna:

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About Debra Paul

Debbie Paul is the Managing Director of Assist Knowledge Development. Debbie has worked in business analysis and business change for over 30 years and is the editor and co-author of the bestselling BCS publication, Business Analysis, and co-author of Business Analysis Techniques, the Human Touch and Agile and Business Analysis. Debbie is a regular speaker at conferences and seminars and is a Chartered Fellow of BCS and a founder member of the BA Management Forum. She was the chief architect for the Advanced Diploma in Business Analysis.

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Debbie’s Bookshelf

Debbie is co-author of multiple BA books. We highly recommend all of them:

Business Analysis (Amazon)

Business Analysis Techniques (Amazon)

The Human Touch (Amazon)


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