Contractor Prequalification Questionnaire Checklist

The following is a checklist of major sections and subsection headings for your prequalification questionnaire. Each subsection typically has multiple questions.

It is often difficult to know where to start when creating a prequalification program. This checklist will hopefully be of some help in determining the type of information you may want to collect and review. You should include each of the departments listed below for their input.

  • Risk Management in determining which types of insurance coverage that will be required and the minimum level of coverage that would be acceptable.
  • The Safety Department to quantify an acceptable safe work record, which is usually defined by the RIR (Recordable Incident Rate) and DART rate (days away / restricted or transfer). They may also want:
    • To know if OSHA has cited the company and why.
    • A deeper understanding of how seriously a contractor views safety by taking a deeper look at their safety programs including policies, procedures and training.
  • Project Management will want to know what their capabilities are and their ability to deliver on a specific project.
  • Finance will want project size, history, and perhaps financial information to make sure they have the financial capability to deliver.
  • Legal wants to be sure that they have agreed to a general conditions agreement or contract that protects and indemnifies the company.
  • Purchasing will want contact information as well as Tax IDs, type of business (corporation, LLC, etc.), contacts, remittance information.

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