How to Develop A Unique And Consistent Brand Voice

In the modern market ecosystem, it is more important than ever to maintain a consistent brand voice. The markets in any industry are often oversaturated and somewhat volatile which means standing out from the crowd is imperative. Having a good product or service is now only the beginning of the road to success. Coming up with a good branding and marketing strategy whilst maintaining consistency are of utmost importance.

Richards Branson, the founder of Virgin Group clearly explains branding: "Too many companies want their brands to reflect some idealized, perfected image of themselves. As a consequence, their brands acquire no texture, no character and no public trust."

Good branding strategy achieves what's most important - creating a bond with customers by establishing values that they can share with a brand in question.

But how does one achieve this? Well, here are some proven tips that can help you develop a unique and consistent brand voice.

Revisiting brand definition

Brand Definition


The way you have defined your brand should be considered as the basic structure around which you will build your entire branding strategy, as well as your brand voice. The brand has a personality and you should consider the things you've defined about your brand, its 'personality traits'.

Imagine this 'brand persona', which are the skills it has and what makes it different that other brands in your business market when it comes to meeting the customers' needs. Keep this entire picture in your mind, as it will help you reach decisions easier in the paragraphs to follow.

Choosing the content

Choosing Content


By definition, a brand voice is the way your brand is conveyed to your target audience, in a planned and consistent manner. Now, this content will often revolve around using words. Since there are many styles you can use for your brand voice, your choice of style and the type of content through which you will communicate with the audience are the things that will breathe some spirit into the brand personality from the previous paragraph.

There is nothing wrong with picking up several types of content for your brand marketing campaign, for instance you can go with infographics, videos or start a blog section on your official website, as long as you keep all of them updated, making sure the style of expression remains the same.

How will your brand sound

Brand Sound


When it comes to a developing a unique brand voice there are few things that have to be considered. Firstly, you have to get familiar with the brand voices of your competitors in the market. Then you can determine the good traits left for you to use which will best correspond to your brand personality.

Some of the traits that customers easily identify with are: genuine, unexpected, trustworthy, expressive, heartfelt, engaging, action-oriented etc. Knowing the needs of your customers might come in handy here, since it would make it easier for you to pick the traits that will make your brand voice more attractive.

Staying consistent across the entire marketing ecosystem



In the modern age, branding strategy plays out on several different fields, such as the official website, social media profiles and outdoor marketing campaigns. When it comes to consistent brand voice, everything related to the brand out there has to form up this unique gestalt that always communicates the same message to the audience.

Since the website is the digital face of a business, a great and custom website design that matches the brand voice is an ideal way to build the foundation for consistency. Choosing the right color palette for the website is also important, because of the psychology of color. The same goes for the typefaces.

Crowdsourcing done right



Crowdsourcing is one of the major trends in the business world. As a startup, small or medium size business, sooner or later one may want to crowdsource a project. Whether it is a logo, website design, marketing material or other collateral, it is very important to make sure that the partner delivers the project respecting the previously defined brand voice. This can be easily achieved by keeping the lines of communication open and stating exactly what you want to achieve.

Developing a unique and consistent brand voice is not an easy task. It requires time, effort and creativity. Maintaining consistency might become a problem when a business starts to grow, which is why it is important as an entrepreneur to regularly revisit the brand definition. It allows you to become reacquainted with 'brand persona' in order to keep the same brand voice and tone while producing content for new customers.

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Written by Anja Skrba on Monday, February 6, 2017

Anja Skrba is a content manager at First Site Guide, and she has been in the world of online business and content marketing for over 5 years. You can follow her on Twitter.