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Madison, Wisconsin
Powderkeg Web Design
January 13, 2017

3 Digital Marketing Predictions for 2017

3 Digital Marketing Predictions for 2017
The world of web design and digital marketing moves quickly. With the continued evolution in how visitors and search engines interact with your website, it’s an ongoing battle to stay current.

The start of a new year is a good time to look ahead at the digital marketing trends that are beginning to take shape. By no means do I have a crystal ball to see into the future, but here are three predictions of what might be in store for 2017.

1. Mobile, Mobile, and More Mobile
Google has officially stated that over half of their searches are done by users on mobile devices. Many analytical firms are now putting the number closer to 60%. This does vary from industry to industry, with websites related to banking for instance averaging closer to 35% mobile; and food and beverage closer to 80%. What are the implications? Google needs to prioritize mobile.

For the last couple of years now, Google has been outwardly making algorithm updates that reflect the need for mobile friendly webpages. At the end of 2016, they even began testing a separate index just for mobile searches. It’s fair to say that 2017 will likely continue to see a push for mobile friendly web design.

2. Local and Personal Search Results
The big tech companies like Google, Facebook and Twitter, all know that the more relevant content they show you, the longer you are going to stay on their platforms. You staying longer on their websites means more advertising revenue for them. Customizing results and content based on your location and personal history is a powerful way to keep you interested.

For your digital strategy, you’ll want to make sure that the content you have is optimized for your audience. This means in terms of local references, and also creating “engaging” content that signals to platforms that your content is relevant for a user. Focus on creating blogs, project galleries and helpful content that will encourage visitor engagement.

3. Less Traditional Social Media, More Messengers
Sorry old people… but the young people think you’re ruining Facebook. With the exception of Instagram, most of the traditional social media platforms are either fading away or adapting to be more “real-time” with messaging. Facebook Messenger, Snapchat and WeChat are all great examples of what being “social” is trending toward.

Large businesses are flocking to messaging apps as ways to engage their audience, although it can be harder for small organizations. Knowing your customer demographics and internal skillset, you can determine which channels make the most sense for you.