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Nine Tips For Building Your Brand With Snapchat And Instagram Stories

Forbes Agency Council
Forbes Agency Council

With more than 600 million users on Instagram and more than 60 million daily users on Snapchat, clients are likely looking for ways to connect with their potential audience through these growing platforms. In the "stories" feature on both Instagram and Snapchat, storytelling can be done creatively and uniquely. Below, nine Forbes Agency Council members share tips for how clients build their brands through "stories."

Clockwise from left: Vinny La Barbera, Chude Jideonwo, Ryan Pezzotti, Brock Murray, Kristopher Jones, Kyle Mani, Chris Carter, Phil Laboon, Dan Golden. All photos courtesy of individual members.

1. Provide Exclusive Content

An easy hack would be to get someone with a big following to cross promote your handle. Since this can be challenging or expensive for smaller brands, a more organic way of building your brand is to offer exclusive content only through these channels. Entice prospects, customers and fans to follow these channels solely based on the content, info, tips, etc., that you only offer there.   - Vinny La BarberaimFORZA

2. Be Authentic

Snapchat and Instagram stories provide brands the perfect opportunity to showcase the aspects of their operations that people traditionally aren't privy to. By creating authentic content that informs, educates and entertains on these platforms, you can increase brand affinity. In addition, you can showcase your people and culture on these platforms to increase brand trust and love.   - Chude JideonwoRED

3. Use Snapchat Or Instagram As A Teaser

Due to the short duration of snaps or nature of scrolling photos quickly in Instagram, both of these platforms are great for building anticipation. By providing quick snaps or Instagram photos with a brief caption, you can make your audience want to seek your company out and connect with your business to learn more.   - Ryan

4. Use Them To Bolster Local Marketing Efforts 

Once you have begun to gather a local following, Snapchat and Instagram stories are a great way to build excitement around promotions and offers that will draw your local audience into your physical location. Take advantage of local events and celebrations, using local Snapchat filters and the "Our Story" feature, reminding your followers that you are part of the festivities.   - Brock Murrayseoplus+

5. Be Consistent 

Snapchat and Instagram stories are trending right now and there is clear opportunity for brands to engage with customers in meaningful ways. However, in order to be effective, you need to be consistent (two or three posts per day) over a sustained period of time (three to six months minimum). Be authentic and tell interesting, engaging stories about your brand using pictures and video.   - Kristopher

6. Don't Repurpose Content 

View each of these platforms as separate channels and leverage analytics to learn about what your audience in each of these channels wants and expects. Build your brand story and content to fit the format best-suited for each of these platforms. Don’t try to repurpose branded content from other platforms onto Snapchat or Instagram as users will see right through it.   - Dan GoldenBe Found Online

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7. Have a Voice And Use Humor 

Snapchat will be offering its IPO this coming March, so it's safe to say the company is not going anywhere. Create content with your own voice and know your audience. Who are your videos targeting? What are you teaching them? What is the end goal? Don't be afraid to experiment, try using humor, and grab attention by appealing to emotions.   - Phil LaboonEyeflow LLC 

8. Learn From Hollywood And Leave Your Audience Wanting More 

Are your stories so entertaining that viewers seek out your content? Learn from popular channels who your audience already watches and follow suit. Ultimately, you want your audience tuning back in whenever your story is live, so scheduling new posts and giving that information to your audience can be very valuable.   - Chris CarterRep Interactive

9. Have A Long-Term Plan 

Randomly posting could be fun but can get fairly unorganized. Build strategy and goals and follow through. Make sure each post has a purpose and gets you closer to your campaign goals.   - Kyle ManiOWDT