Top 100 Romance Novels on Goodreads

Posted by Hayley on January 16, 2017

Romance Week brought to you by the latest book in Helen Hardt's Steel Brothers Saga, Burn.

Get in the mood for Romance Week with our list of the top 100 romances of all time. We narrowed the field by limiting our results to books aimed at adult audiences and books with at least a 4.0 average rating (sorry, Fifty Shades of Grey). Contemporary romance is read in the greatest numbers, but we also included results in popular sub-genres like historical and paranormal romance.

What's your "number"? How many have you read? Tell us in the comments!

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Tell us how many you've read in the comments! And be sure to check out more of our Romance Week coverage here.


Comments Showing 1-50 of 724 (724 new)

message 1: by Deb (new)

Deb 40 Books

message 2: by Louise (new)

Louise 34 Books

message 3: by Wendy (new)

Wendy Costigan 28 books

message 4: by Yelsy (new)

Yelsy Celado 32 Books

message 5: by Kati (new)

Kati 12

message 6: by Rebecca Farrar (new)

Rebecca Farrar 18

message 7: by Landslide (new)

Landslide 8. But I have 9 on my TBR pile...

message 8: by Melissa (new)

Melissa Candelaria 24

message 9: by Andrea (new)

Andrea 28

message 10: by Tatiana (new)

Tatiana 35

message 11: by Kimberly (new)

Kimberly 50! And I've just added a few more to my TBR list! <3

message 12: by Beatrice (new)

Beatrice 28 books :)

message 13: by Dee (new)

Dee 11

message 14: by Poonam (new)

Poonam 23

message 15: by Nic (new)

Nic 32

message 16: by Mimi (new)

Mimi 57

message 17: by Nat (new)

Nat Sum 26

message 19: by Free (new)

Free Five. 6 tbr.

message 20: by Kübra (new)

Kübra 25 book

message 21: by angie (new)

angie 10 books.

message 22: by Amy (new)

Amy 33 - and now armed with 67 more titles to look in to. Yay!

message 23: by Olya (new)

Olya Finnegan 7 books. I guess I have given up on love :)

message 24: by Megan (new)

Megan 12! And 5 are on my TBR List!

PrincessKonsvelaBananaHamek i read 4 books from this list and one i just stopped on 87%

message 26: by Ingrid (new)

Ingrid 23 books

message 27: by Suzana (new)

Suzana 28 books

message 28: by JJDreamer (new)

JJDreamer 15

message 29: by Monique (new)

Monique 18 books

message 30: by Lynn (new)

Lynn Shockingly Few - only 9. Many of these I've never heard of.

message 31: by Speed (last edited Feb 14, 2017 06:58AM) (new)

Speed 19 books

message 32: by A_Ryan (new)

A_Ryan 28 -but a lot of these were 2 or 3 stars for me. Its a shame. Where are the Penny reid books? Or Colleen Hoover?

message 33: by Lisa (new)

Lisa 36!

message 34: by Kam (new)

Kam What no Amanda Quick or Jayne Ann Krenz? No Rosemary Woodiwiss? What about Georgette Hyer. Come on Goodreads.

message 35: by Megan (new)

Megan Parker 46!!

message 36: by Marina (new)

Marina 20 books read so far out of this list

message 37: by Debbie (new)

Debbie 37

message 38: by Barbara (new)

Barbara Rogers I've read several of them and there are maybe one or two more I might like to read. The majority of them seem to be contemporary and/or shape-shifting/vampire/etc. themed and I don't really care for those most of the time.

message 39: by Janie (new)

Janie Mcgaugh I've only read 17 of them.

message 40: by Jackie (new)

Jackie Saylor 14

message 41: by valeria (new)

valeria 16

message 42: by Liz (new)

Liz 22 with several on my TBR list.

message 43: by Jennysue (new)

Jennysue Buchanan 19

message 44: by Lucie (new)

Lucie 34

message 45: by Priscilla (last edited Jan 17, 2017 12:16PM) (new)

Priscilla I only have read 7 on the list. Many of my favorites are not here.

message 46: by Andreea (new)

Andreea Calin 12 books

message 47: by Melindannk (new)

Melindannk 30 read - 13 additional that I already owned

message 49: by Kerry (new)

Kerry 39

message 50: by RK (new)

RK 16 books

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