One of the features you get using Twitter's mobile app that you won't get in the browser is night mode. If you've gotten used to the darker colors and want a seamless experience in your browser, all it takes is a chrome extension.

Twitter Web Night Mode transforms the Twitter web page in Chrome using a darker, night-friendly color scheme. The appearance is identical to the one you might already be used to on your phone.

While night mode is essential on your phone, especially if you tend to browse Twitter in bed, it's just as useful on your computer. The color scheme should also lessen the strain on your eyes at your computer.

Once installed, it will automatically switch your Twitter interface to night mode. Unfortunately, there is no way to toggle it on and off. If you want to switch it off, you'll have to uninstall the extension.

Will you use Twitter's night mode in a browser? Let us know in the comments.

Image Credit: Ivelin Radkov via