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6 Stellar Ways To Skyrocket Your Facebook Engagement

This article is more than 7 years old.

Facebook has over 1 billion daily active users that scroll through their newsfeeds, publish posts, share content, and engage with their favorite friends and brands on a consistent basis. With this much activity buzzing on one platform, finding ways to boost your Facebook engagement should be a breeze…

Or is it?

Perhaps you’re struggling in generating the likes, comments, shares, and clicks that you desire from your social media posts and want to ramp it up in your results. How responsive your followers are with your content is definitely a sign of success in your social media strategy so it’s important to leverage tactics that not only can betters your engagement, but translates into favorable outcomes like leads and sales.

Here are six ways on how you create results and increase engagement with your Facebook posts .

#1 Keep What's Working Now

It’s public knowledge that visuals work in social media marketing. In fact, visual content is more than 40 times more likely to get shared on social media than other types of content. Therefore maintain a visual presence through your high-definition images, videos (more on this later), funny GIFs and memes.

Another common practice that is effective on Facebook is curating content, or gathering and sharing the best content related to your industry from other sources. Content curation positions you as an expert and resourceful brand in your industry.

Finally, understanding and knowing the best times to post on Facebook is important. There is a guideline as to the popular times to post (i.e. 1pm for click-throughs, 3pm for shares), yet, your success comes from knowing when your audience is most engaged with your content. You can easily discover this through analytics using your social media management tool.

#2 Post Facebook Organic Videos

Research shows that videos have a whopping 135% greater organic reach compared to images. That is incredibly high! You see, when users are scrolling through their newsfeed, these videos that automatically silently play immediately captures attention.

The good news is twofold: Not only does adding videos into your social media strategy increase engagement, but it’s also super easy to upload videos. Actually, Facebook prefers organic videos, meaning you upload the video directly to this platform from your device versus sharing a video from YouTube, for example.

Ideas for video content include expanding on a recent blog post topic, explaining your flagship product, or addressing frequently asked questions. Commit to sharing more videos on your page to get your followers watching you! 

#3 Share Tips Using Standalone Graphics

Most of the images you’re posting on Facebook probably have a link relating to the image, so when people click they’re directed to your blog post or landing page. However, using standalone graphics can have a major impact on increased engaged compared to your link posts.

These graphics are images that gives useful info on its own without needing to link back to your content. Therefore, you’re providing helpful tidbits or perhaps sharing quotes from well-known leaders in your niche. Plan to have a variety of posts that includes links and standalone graphics. Test to see which resonates best with your audience and tweak your postings from there.

#4 Create a Facebook Group to Boost Engagement

Fostering a Facebook community using the Groups is an excellent way to stay connected with your audience while growing a tribe of like-minded individuals who share the same interests. This is another outlet to not only share your best blog and curated content, but a great way to keep followers plugged into your brand.

Here are few ways you can leverage a Facebook group to promote engagement:

  • Answer questions – One purpose is for members to have a channel to interact and ask questions about your product or services. Be sure to jump in and respond
  • Gain feedback – You can create polls directly within the group and ask users how they feel about a new product, what they would like to see next or see more of from your brand
  • Share achievements – Show how your company is advancing and progressing by highlighting awards and recent achievements. Your fans would love to see this!

#5 Capitalize on Facebook Live

Did you know that people spend 3 times longer watching live video on social media versus a prerecorded one (Source: Social Media Today)? Tools like Facebook Live are killing it in generating engagement from fans and followers. You can literally catapult responsiveness from your audience simply leveraging Facebook Live to share your content, take followers behind-the-scenes, host live Q&A broadcasts, and report breaking news.

Add live-streaming videos to your marketing strategy using Facebook Live. Followers receive a notification that you’re live and it’s a great way for your audience to connect with you…live and in living color!

#6 Pin Posts for Greater Visibility

Pinning posts on Facebook brings that post to the top of your page, creating high visibility when viewers visit your Facebook page. You can only pin one post at a time but its ideal for content that you want your followers to see every time they access your page.

Here are a few ways to use pinned posts to build better engagement:

  • What do people encountering your brand for the very first time need to know? Capture it all in a video, and then put in introductory text.
  • Post a FAQ
  • As you increase your followers, post guidelines explaining how you moderate your wall...get people to agree or like when they've reviewed them
  • Share your latest sale or promotion
  • Hosted a recent contest? Highlight the winner
  • Post urgent information

Concluding Thoughts

One final key point to mention is being clear on your brand's personality and exuding this throughout your posts for consistency. In other words, every piece of content you post on Facebook should portray your company’s persona. Let your audience know that you aren’t a social media robot, but a real brand ran by real people. This will also separate you from competitors and give you that slight edge in the eyes of your followers.

Implement these six tips and experience a growth in Facebook engagement to move you closer in your social media marketing goals.