Focus on goals, not resolutions

An estimated less than 8 percent of people actually keep their resolutions.

Becky Vaughn-Furlow
Business Columnist
New Year's Resolutions

Many people routinely make New Year's resolutions as systematically as taking down their Christmas decorations. Some of the top New Year's resolutions are:

  1. Stay fit and healthy.
  2. Lose weight.
  3. Enjoy life to the fullest
  4. Spend less, save more, get out of debt. 
  5. Spend more time with family and friends. 
  6. Quit smoking.
  7. Reduce stress. 
  8. Drink less. 
  9. Get more organized.

These same resolutions made are also the ones most often broken. How can you make and keep your resolutions? Few people, estimated to be less than 8 percent, actually are able to keep their resolutions.

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Do you want to join the elite few who actually achieve what they set out to do? Don't make unrealistic resolutions but instead set realistic goals, both personally and professionally.  Here are ideas to help you set and achieve your goals.

  • Make goals realistic, specific, measurable and relevant. Make the goal something you really want, something that motivates you. It should be meaningful. Limit the number to something you can handle. Break down a goal into small steps to attain the overall goal.  
  • Measure progress on a regular basis. Reflecting on where you started and where you are will give motivation to continue or make any necessary adjustments.
  • Share your personal goals with family and friends. Commit to writing your work goals and agree with your manager before finalizing. Have an accountability partner. It's harder to break goals when you have someone else to keep check on you.
  • Make a schedule. Making appointments and putting items to be done on your calendar will help you find the time to commit to your goal. Just as you schedule a doctor's appointment, schedule the time to declutter, clean out the garage or closet or other activity and treat the time the same way as appointments and other commitments. Have an action plan and follow it. 
  • When you slip up, get back up. Vince Lombardi said, "It isn't whether you get knocked down, it's whether you get back up." Don't let a temporary failure turn into an excuse to give up. Don't get derailed by setbacks.  

It isn't only about willpower but it is developing the right skills, strategy execution and having the patience that will inevitably lead to success. Make a plan. Think it through. Here is your opportunity to achieve goals, be successful and make needed changes. Incremental lifestyle and work changes have a much greater chance of creating real change.

Jan. 1 offers a possibility of a new beginning. It can be a reset or reaffirmation of goals, perhaps not met in previous years, by making small changes each day as you figure out what works and doesn't work for you. Look at each day as an opportunity for a new beginning. Don't limit your time frame to a calendar year. There's nothing magic about January through December. Some goals should be more short term while others necessitate a longer term for completion. Re-evaluate without compromising. Celebrate the victories.

Your values and beliefs are most important in having a vision of how your personal life and work should be. Be sure the goals are based on your own values and what you consider important.

A New Year's resolution is often simply a hope whereas a goal is a plan. Goals are more than just resolutions. Starting anew, second chances are balanced with renewed effort to progress toward achievement.

On the job, knowing your future is at stake and that your manager will hold you accountable will carry forward year in and year out. Your personal goals can be physical, spiritual, financial and family-related. Resolve to have plans, and not simply hopes, both in your personal and professional life.

Contact Becky Vaughn-Furlow at